The Long Vigil

Yes because a magical virus somehow comparable. Not to mention Stormwind had its own worgen problem and due to the fact Alpha was never involved they managed to control it for the most part.

I’d say ending up dead is big consequence. From a meta stand point anyway.

I think the Alliance, from a broad stroke thing, has to be Lawful good, that doesnt mean the individuals or even some of the individuals events that are cause/lead by Alliance character, end up being lawful good acts.

You’re forgetting the House of Nobles who’s only existence only speak up to get shot down by a Wrynn and make him look good.

Yet we don’t see anything like this or equally deep because Blizzard has dumbed down the Alliance into a “one size fits all” morality made worse by their lack of enthusiasm for anything that isn’t Jaina or Anduin.

All the narrative potential means nothing when your writers fail to capitalize on it. Potential is wasted energy. Its the humble brag that means you’ll never get called out to prove in front of an audience.

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Yes i know I’m about to necro a very old thread.

A lot of people have pointed out that big things don’t have to be constantly happening.

Think about it this way: when the sundering happened, 90% of the Kaldorei were killed and the whole world was reshaped. This is an empire that took thousands of years to build, and thus will take at least a thousand or more to rebuild.

The Kaldorei fought in two pretty big wars officially (satyr and shifting sands). That comes with casuaties, destruction and rebuilding on its own.

Also remember after the sundering there were demons literally all over. Hordes of them came into Azeroth, so the night elves had plenty of residual demons to deal with. We still see them in Ashenvale and Winterspring.

PLUS, several thiusand years ago they had a poltical break with the remaining highborn resulting in Dath’remar sunstrider leaving and forming quel’thalas.

Then in more recent history you have gul’dan, the first horde, the death of cenarius, the second horde, the first 3 wars, the scourge, the emerald nightmare, growing Teldrassil.

So yeah, lots happened but it was pretty regular stuff for them.

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