The Long Vigil

You do realize Malfurion of all people was willing to pity Sylvanas. Hell, even Sylvanas mentioned he might have ended up being slightly disappointed on his followers for being vengful as oppose to fighting because they needed to in A Good War.

Those half ended up being badly beaten. More importantly, they ended up being in the wrong because if they had committed genocide Azeroth would be a dead planet now.

Smear tactic? Malfurion was the one who warned Maiev. This was even back before WoW proper.

Even pre-War of Thorns the night elven themes managed to poke out. From the disasterous attempt at getting back their immortality in Pandaria.(a classic theme of theirs since Vanilla) To trying to adapt and reintroducing mages to their society. Heck, night elven manages were probably one of the few new race /combo class that got a decent amount of lore.

You do realize how alignment systems work? Neutral characters aren’t fully committed to “good” or “evil.”

Ah yes, more shaming of outliers. Starting to see a pattern here? Gotta enforce the party line.

What few traits haven’t been snipped off or white-washed in order to turn them into replacement high elves. They are still a shadow of what they once were in the name of conformity.


Well, really not killing all of the orcs in and of itself wasn’t so much why they left; it was being expected to help pay for the alternative that had them abandoning the Alliance. Except Silvermoon, who basically left because it blamed the rest of the Alliance for the damage done when the Horde invaded Quel’thalas.

By the reasoning of the human kingdoms who left, if hunting down and exterminating the orcs had had also turned out to be an expensive operation (a possibility, since after BtDP the Warsongs were running loose, the Blackrocks were still entrenched in BRM and even the Dragonmaws were never completely stomped out around Grim Batol), they’d have likely given that up as well rather than continue pouring their money into it.

There is an entire argument to be made against the Alignment system, but fine lets use it for now. Malfurion, for all his faults, seems commited to two things, natural order(which in itself has hall marks of being lawful good) and now adays his people(finally). He has also been fairly stringent with keep the letter of the law, even disregarding the potentially help Illidan could have given.

Considering said outliners left the Alliance, I certain have a bone to pick with them.

You and I see the night elves in totally different light. The core of what night elves are, having an affinity to nature, being female lead warrior race, even their nocturnal ability to hide has remained.
Do they have to conform to a degree? Yes, but I’d say so has Alliance as a whole. If you told me the Alliance would have death knight, void elves or worgens back in BC i would have laughed at your face.

Natural order has nothing to do with social constructs like you’re implying. That’s why its called “True Neutral.” It means you act naturally, without prejudice, compulsion or morality. It is not comparable to Lawful Good, a Lawful Good Druid is a walking oxymoron.

Whoa there Lincoln.

I see them as they were introduced into Warcraft. Not the watered down damsels in distress to be genocided and stuffed into a refrigerator because Blizzard doesn’t have any passion or interest in them.

I’d say you didn’t visit the forums and see everyone mocking the lore. After the Draenei and Blood elves anything was fair game.


Technically, true neutral can also refer to seeking a complete balance between good and evil, but those are much rarer.

In any case, I’d consider Malfurion to be closer to neutral good than true neutral.

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Natural Order? Nature isn’t bound by morality. Ever wondered why we have bugs that’ll lodge offspring into the eye sockets of another species’ offspring and ask, “Why?”


When did this happen?

easydamus .com/lawfulgood
The are convinced that order and law are absolutely necessary to assure good, and that good is best defined as whatever brings the most benefit to the greater number of decent, thinking creatures and the least woe to the rest. "

I’m using that as a reference for lawful good. Having said that, the “balance of nature/maintaining it” can be said to be an attempt at order, or at least a certain order. The main reason to keep said order is usually because it is beneficial to everyone involved. Nature itself is probably pretty indifferent but the balance of nature, which again is a form of order, is what I think borders on being on the lawful good side(good because maintaining it is neccesary for the greater good, lawful because nature follows its own laws).

I never once hid my disdain for Genn when he left and was totally glad when Varian got to give the verbal lashing he deserved. But, I consider that verbal lashing/humiliation punishment/attonement and fully support him now that he full supports the Alliance again.

Everyone in Warcraft has suffered and the entire point of the game in view is that you can’t survive/win without help from others. Even people you might diametrically oppose.

Your right, I didnt visit the forums much then. And I’ll even admit I had a certain disdain for the draenei being the biggest retcon of the time. Then I actually tried playing(partially because I originally wanted to see how bad the retcon was and because shaman from what I initially read was always need in a raid) and learned that retcon was actually a good idea/was good for the game.

Wrong wording, apparently not pity but sorrow. Still the point the remains he actually empathize with her to a degree.

"He shifted form from stag to elf, sent out commands to rock and root and soil and leaf, and waited. And when she appeared, sensing him as he sensed her, elegant even in her undeath, he found that his union with things so much greater than he had taken away his fury, leaving only sorrow—for his people, for his

beloved, and even for Sylvanas Windrunner."

As an addition note, apperently Malfurion is against torture:

These Horde soldiers had not died in a flash of fire—they had burned slowly, in agony, screaming.

The night elves had done everything they could to prolong the horror, to maximize the pain.

Malfurion would be very upset to see what his people have done , Sylvanas thought. The wound is open. The bleeding has begun, but they use their hatred in such pitiful ways.

It’s funny, to me, how badly she keeps misreading the living. She thought Genn would fracture the Alliance over them aiding the Night Elves. The Gilneans end up being the Night Elves’ staunchest supporter.

She thought Malfurion would be upset over a little vengeful torture. Malfurion snares an Orc, and buries him alive, screaming, to either suffocate to death, or be crushed by roots (or killed from the inside by roots, if he wanted to get a bit creative).


The law of a society has nothing in common with the laws of nature, that’s what Vivette was talking about. Thats why in a traditional RPG a druid loses their powers if they go lawful good. Furthermore, Malfurion has never had a problem disregarding a society’s laws, which is a chaotic act. He’s Neutral good at best.

It was well within Genn’s right to leave the Alliance. He doesn’t need to justify it to Varian, he’s a King in his own right.

Some suffer far more visibly than others, and some are put on a pedestal with a hige dose of author fiat to espouse the official party line.


I wouldn’t say empathize. Had some sympathy for her would maybe be more accurate. This continues on a bit later on in A Good War when he does come to meet her for the last time:

    Soon enough, she saw him, waiting for her. The other Horde gave him a wide berth, but she strode toward him without hesitation.

    Malfurion Stormrage looked sorrowful. “There will be no forgiveness for this, Sylvanas.”

    “I know,” she replied.

So having a crater in your city, having all your provinces be in total disarray and losing several notable characters thoughout the years is a pedestal? Oh and Stormwind was the first kingdom ever destroyed in a game.

No he does not but clearly he was wrong to do so considering what happened to his nation. Aside from that the Alliance is an organization built on trust and the knowledge you will help each other. Not turn tail the moment it is convinient.

A quick internet check tells me alignment requirements were removed from dungeons and dragon. Really, alignments are guides, not the end all be alls.

As for Malfurion himself, being one of the leader of the leaders of the night elves makes him a maker of the law. Maybe that does not make him lawful good(and my original post specifically states he was high on the “good guy scale”) but I think it would be folish to think he wont apply the law to people(like the highborne he banished or his brother).

A quick google search says: sympathy is when you share the feelings of another; empathy is when you understand the feelings of another but do not necessarily share them.

Of the two sympathy actually make Malfurion soon more good.

I dont think he was torturing him, he was being ruthless certainly but I thought he was just being efficient and cold blood in the matter.

Um… as per Google, I got:


    the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


    feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

Though I agree that sympathy would make him more good, yes.

The one-bite-and-done for the other guys was efficient.

There was nothing efficient about how Root Orc was killed. It was, in all likelihood, slow and frightening, and probably hurt alot.


He turned around immediately and started talking to the troll while letting the roots finish pff the orc, thus, doing two things at once. I’d say that is being fairly efficent in the matter. At worse, he used the relatively painful method of that orc’s death as a show of force. I dont think he particularly cared that the orc suffered as he died.

Getting it fixed overnight without any debt or lasting inner conflict is. Stormwind from the get go of WoW was propped up to be the centerpiece of everything, and blizzard won’t change this, they will drag down others instead.

If anything, isolation kept the Worgen curse localized. That’s called quarantine in the biology community. Genn did everyone a favor.

Fifth edition did. However, we have quotes from blizzard referencing older edition standards.

Malfurion can’t be lawful good because his conscience isnt bound or restricted into being lawful. He wont hesitate to act against or bother to stay within its limits.

True Neutral encompasses two completely opposite viewpoints.

1. The truly uninvolved most animals and plants fit into this category.

2. The Active Balancer, example would be Mordenkainen, you’ll act against any force, good, evil, law, chaos, that you feel is getting too much of an upper hand.

Consider instantly repairing a district a gameplay limitations. As for conflict, for the most part the conflict created by the destruction of the park was mostly resolved in cata, namely the reformation an defeat of the Defias.

Or you know, if he had remain part of the Alliance(ceteris paribus), the night elves could have helped them much sooner when the worgen curse started to spread.

Please, this is Blizzard we are talking about, they dont even take their class restrictions that seriously to the point we now have holy cows.

Malfurion has time and again shown to also follow laws/ruling. So sure, maybe he will bend the rules sometimes, but the Alliance does that as well and still get defined as “lawful good”. It also helps that for the most part, the only rules he follows are generally created by him/with council from him in the case of Alliance based rules.

Resolved overnight with no consequence by King Chin.

Clearly someone hasn’t played Pandemic.

Yes, the people who coined the termed “Lawful Good Overdrive.” The same people who complained about how “hard” writing for Lawful Good was because of the narrow the alignment limits story.

Blizzard is just obsessed with Second Edition and its alignment particularities as they are obsessed with WC2.