How on earth is this going on? Not just the same message. The exact same player non stop. Reports sent by multiple people but still it continues. Is Blizzard just asleep at the wheel? This is actually insane.
i.imgur com/s4pPK0Q.png
How on earth is this going on? Not just the same message. The exact same player non stop. Reports sent by multiple people but still it continues. Is Blizzard just asleep at the wheel? This is actually insane.
i.imgur com/s4pPK0Q.png
Sorry, sarcastic response
This was the vanilla experience, and why one of the earlier add-ons I remember getting was badboy to suppress and get rid of all the gold seller spam, funny enough its the one add-on I have never switched out for something else. Never understood why Blizzard couldn’t do better cleaning the chat channels.
On a more serious note are they using the new services channel, and if not are you reporting them for using the wrong channel?
Next you’ll start seeing ads written on the floor with dead corpses
I’ve been reporting the donkey hat on the horde side whenever I see it, wish the auto-ban thing still worked…or maybe human GM’s in-game instead of watching a program like they do now…
I have reported multiple times. Sure I am not the only one.
I’ve reported him multiple times. Despite blocking them they still show up for me.
When you report it automatically blocks them…until you log off. You need to actually add them to your ignore list.
As to why they continue to spam advertise for days…it’s because Blizzard won’t hire GMs and don’t give a
I will bump this because, quite frankly, it is ridiculous to have a ‘report’ feature if the company refuses to respond to probably thousands of reports on the same violator.
Note: this is also happening on Dreamscythe as well.
Blizzard doesnt care
Like seriously they don’t
Ive been reporting the same gold seller for 3 days now spamming in trade
I’ve reported multiple spammer bots in the in-game chat, all advertising the same website, on both Dreamscythe and Doomhowl. Unfortunately, they’re still there, spamming away, multiple times a minute, every day.
20 years of looking the other way is making me start to think that Blizzard gets payola to ignore gold spammers.
Blizzard doesn’t care and it’s another sad example of the company gone to crap.
Would it have been better to have changes? genuinely curious.
I personally am not sure, if you’re just looking at Advertising for RMT, there isn’t a lot they can do, banning the accounts is completely worthless since the accounts can be replaced with far less effort and cost then it will take Blizzard to ban them.
Personally, I don’t see the advertising as that big of a deal, but I don’t see much of it as I have used add-ons to eliminate almost all RMT advertisements in chat since early vanilla, and it was easily just as bad then as it is today. I suppose Blizzard could add an in game filter like badboy, but then would it actually get harder to block spam then it is now, since the advertisers would have more motivation to get around the system, versus now where most people simply haven’t downloaded an add-on so they aren’t motivated to change their advertisements.
I do feel there are things that they can do to hurt bots, but suspect people would complain like they have about the things blizzard has done, like restricting new accounts access to mail/ah and trading.
I wasn’t talking about RMT lol.
Do you sincerely think that people are hypocrites because they didn’t want hybrid classes to be buffed and transmog and flying mounts to be added, but want Blizzard to ban RMT and RMT advertising?
Well since this thread is about RMT and Advertising, thats what I assumed you were talking about. My #nochanges comment was sarcastic, as I even commented in my reply if you look at my actual response. I am just tired of people who have zero idea what vanilla was like trying to make changes to the current version based on an idea they have that never really existed.
Overall though, I don’t want a lot of changes to fresh, I simply don’t care about ERA, the sooner its gone the better, what I am concerned about is TBC, and I don’t want people making lots of changes that degrade TBC, so personally if its in TBC, I don’t care if you get it, if its in WOTLK or forward for the most part, it shouldn’t be a consideration.
However, for things like changes to hybrid classes, the problem is thats a difficult problem to fix, they tried it with SOD, and it didn’t go well in my opinion so in that, and I would prefer no changes what they did to the classes, also how would you transition to TBC which is where everything really ends up and where most classes get fixed. Probably the best option simply would have been to start Prepatch TBC, then have 2 month phases, and then launch TBC at the end of the year, the problem however is TBC specs tend to be more powerful so the content would have been severely marginalized, and all the ERA freshers would have been upset.
Of the changes they have made already, I am not a fan, I don’t like dual spec or LFD as I feel it marginalizes and destroys the community and is far worse than the mega server. As for flying it also never would be an option for the current classic, the world simply wont support it as many of the map areas are simply absent, they fixed this in CATA, but changed a number of zones dramatically, so its just not a viable option in ERA till CATA, and no we don’t want that world.
Now things like transmog, and a limited barbershop where you could just change things like hair, jewelry etc I would be for. I would also be ok with them opening up the portal stones. However things like cheaper boons, getting rid of respec costs, those were all bad changes and are just going to result in a market flooded with gold, WOW has always suffered from not having enough gold sinks, these changes removed what few there were.