The constant and consistent compression of ability mechanics over the years has obviously taken its toll. Nowadays, differences between classes are closer to visual than effective. However, the very rare yet great side of this is that class comparison is becoming more than futile whiny ppl blaming everything but ourselves for own incompetence.
So, obviously I don’t expect anyone remotely related to Blizzard will ever give a f to visit these forums, much less this post, but fellow gamers, could someone shed light on:
the reason for Rapid Fire to do 50-100% more damage than arcane missiles?
It is usable while moving
persists through loss of LOS
it has a base cooldown of 20s (reducible by effects), missiles require a proc
it is not kickable as means to interrupt it and hunter is not school-lockable
it consistently ticks (depending on target) 50-100% higher than Arcane Battery (4set effect) empowered clearcast Arcane Missiles
I wont delve into the other abilities blatantly doing signiifcantly higher damage than their more risky (kickable) comparative counterparts
What is this about? I kindly ask Blizzard to stop the pyramid scheme modus operandi. What’s the idea? As soon as we pay, we’re used up and treated as such, instead focusing all resources into future acquisitions of victims to swindle?
Good sir, your vexation speaks poetically to my soul. My mind often harks back to the simpler, more authentic representations of Azeroth. When a man could 5-8 kite a warrior with a complete lack of trepidation, when a disciple of the great Antonidas himself could blank you in golden sile…wait nvm.
Anyway vodka cruiser above is micky mouse mate. A hunter can dome you from 5 clicks away, but can’t spam root and sheep you more than the way a kiwi farmer would root his own flock of sheep. A mage can though.
I used to think this, but I reckon they visit here enough to pick up on what’s going.
This isn’t a pyramid scheme, I think you mean ponzi scheme…and this ain’t a ponzi scheme. This my friend is called ‘Getting what you paid for’ scheme.
I rooted a girl, who rooted a guy, who rooted a girl, who rooted a guy, who rooted a girl, who rooted a guy,who rooted a girl, who rooted Shane Crawford.