The light and its horrors

In this topic we discuss the light. The light is a horrible thing and has been for quite a while in the lore. Original blood knights were right and Horde is being subverted with light worship now. If void lords exists it follows that light lords exist.

Consecration paladin spell is maybe a reference to burnt sacrifices in real history. Calia uses the light. The light also killed the alternate Draenor. Shadowlands may not be canon but it says a lot that the light is burning the entire area to ash.

Does anyone have any more things to document on the light? Because I remember reading in one of the WoW books it talked about undying creatures trapped in light crystals. Time to wake up peons the light religion is to control you.

I like where this is going already!

That said, in the spirit of being totally fair to the Light and the zealots on this forum who can’t seem to separate fantasy from reality, the Light isn’t responsible for the death of alt-Draenor. It’s heavily implied (or stated? I forget) that Draenor is dying simply because the alternate universe is on the verge of collapsing into unreality, as alt-universes are inherently unstable, and this only existed for as long as it did due to a rogue bronze dragon unnaturally propping it up with the hourglass and chronomancy. The natural state of an alt-universe is exist for a fleeting moment like a quantum fluctuation, and then disappear.

Alt-Draenor is just reverting to its natural state (nothingness) via the multiverse repairing itself.

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Ehh… not really? It’s just a source of power. Horrible people do horrible things with it.

Makes sense. Every cosmic power has a pantheon associated with it. Not sure if that’s the Naaru for the Light or not.

What? The definition of consecrate is, ‘to make sacred.’ All the spell does is temporarily make the ground, ‘sacred,’ harming the Paladin’s enemies. I don’t know where burnt sacrifices comes in. That sounds more like purification, which is a different Paladin ability, I think.

Not seeing how that’s horrible. Forsaken have been able to be Holy/Disc priests since Vanilla.

Citation needed.

The Light is searing a single ward of Revendreth, and that was in retaliation to Sire Denathrius’ using the dreadlords to infiltrate other cosmic powers’ domains. It wasn’t some unprovoked attack, nor did it affect anything beyond the single ward where Denathrius kept the Dreadlords.

A dev once suggested the, ‘tyranny of the Light,’ would be something to that affect: living beings trapped alive in crystals, kept in a permanent, waking form of stasis, unchanging, unaging due to the Light’s healing properties. That said, this has yet to be canonized in any form.

Not sure why you didn’t bring up Xe’ra or the Scarlet Crusade. I think there’s a fair question as to asking what happened with Bridenbrad; he wasn’t in the Shadowlands, after all.

[Edit]: How about the use of the Light to torture a member of the Scourge, back in Wrath? It was a quest in Wintergarde keep.

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I’m still curious how the Arathi work with the crystal. :microscope::robot:

Would they be controlled by the light (such as lightbound?) or are they puppets to someone masquing the voice of the light (such as dreadlord or N’zoth). :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot:

Is that what was implied? Because maybe at the time that might’ve been the case. But then they’re kind of going back on the “one true timeline” deal by saying that the Titans basically created that narrative to imply the one they’re working on putting the most effort into is the true one, or something.

That may end up being true, but if they go that route, they need to do some serious re-working on the cosmic planes being shared across the multiverse, like the singular Nether and Shadowlands. You can’t have a bunch of stable multiverses and keep the singular planes coherent.

What I think happened was that they invented the “one true timeline” conceit to tidy up the timeline problem because once you invite alternate timelines into your fiction it creates a lot of narrative headaches.

However this expansion has been all about setting up the initial steps of the Worldsoul saga, in which we will discover the Titans weren’t our friends all along (shocker). So we need to sew the seeds of them being control freaks since that is what Order is all about. So Titans poisoned the water supply and turned the protodrakes into dragons, subdued the timelines and ensured only their vision of a multiverse is correct.

I could be wrong in my assessment. But point being that they needed more fodder to prove that the Titans can also be bad guys and I think subduing time is one of those things.

The Light is prideful and arrogant. It’s taken a malevolent twist since it was first introduced. It, like all other cosmic forces, only cares about power.

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The Emerald Dream which is just one of the Gardens of Life is a mirror of the Timelines with the distinct difference that all Planets are instead landmasses on a single flat plain.

The same might go for all Afterlives, all Gardens of Life and all Realms in each Cosmic Force!

Planets existing in the Twisting Nether due to Burning Legion, Void and Nathrezim shenanigans would exist alongside their counterpart in the Twisting Nether which as one would expect be a landmass on a flat plain.

Yes that would mean Argus would be floating in the skies above it’s mirror in the Twisting Nether due to Demons putting it there.