FF14 is NOT more casual friendly than WoW. It is far less friendly, in fact.
I played FF14 quite a lot (my bad), till mid of the Stormblood expansion. Then I had my "what … " moment and quit, never to go return.
Why? I had enough.
Enough of having to do dungeons during Main Quest.
Enough of having to do “trials” (8-people boss fights, often quite hard and unforgiving) during Main Quest.
Even more, enough of having to do solo scenarios, during Main Quest, which can be hard and annoying, and you can’t ever “outgear”, because you are always scaled down!
Could you just let me do the darn Main Quest already, Yoshi?
So, farewell FF14. Play your lousy scenarios yourself.
Now let’s compare notes with Shadowlands. After less than 20 hours of play I have completed the main quest and the 9.1 one. Am 209 ilevel, and 74 renown. Have done a whopping two dungeons, on Normal. Have my Legendary. Have almost all the so feared Conduits at 200. Can solo 3-people group quests.
Need to go on?
hate when games get difficulty on it
As usual, you (wilfully) miss my point.
There are way more difficult games than FF14 around. I am not complaining about THEM.
The problem with FF14 is that everybody is painting it as this chill, relaxing experience, ideal for elderly people like me, in one word for “casuals”.
And it’s all a lie.
One can play WoW, and reach a decent level, without ever touching raiding, PvP, or hardly a dungeon. In FF14, you can’t. In the very Main Quest there are challenges which will be sure a breeze for you, but can be, let’s say, “annoying” for the likes of me.
why dont u wanna do dungeons or pvp or raids thats all the fun stuff i dont understand
I never said I don’t do dungeons, raids or PvP.
I haven’t done them in Shadowlands, yet, because I have just resubscribed after 2 years pause.
Again, my point is that in WoW you can play without them, if you wish. In FF14 you cannot.
Fun is subjective.
Some people don’t want to PvP, dungeon or Raid and just want to quest all day because they find it fun. And that’s fine.
And besides, OP’s point was that FF14 was hyped up to be a casual experience while WoW was implied to be not casual friendly. OP has given her experience here to tell you she doesn’t think it’s true for the most part.
As for OP, i just think this is another case of ‘never listen to the community overhype stuff’. Just play whatever you think is fun. 
209 ilvl isnt a decent ilvl though. thats 50 ilvls below max.
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i feel like people are talking about end game when they are talking about casual friendly. in that case, ffxiv is most definitely more casual friendly with regards to progression.
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Did you even read my post? I am 209 after less than 20 hours of playing Shadowlands.
And I’m sure that it’s already enough to do almost everything I care about.
You want a single-player experience that you can faceroll across your keyboard and not have to read any of your tool-tips?
Well, that is WoW all the way through LFR content. Good luck with that mind-set in Mythic+.
i was just commenting on your statement saying 209 was a decent ilvl.
sure, wow can be pretty darn casual if all you’re doing is normal dungeons. its after that is where the difference comes into play.
MMOs have grindy mechanics to keep players coming back.
News at 11.
I know. Having to sometimes play and interact with other players in a massively-multi-player RPG is absolutely outrageous and unacceptable.
you have the same thing in wow though…
Where? I noticed only 2 (two) extremely easy dungeons. Or maybe only 1, even. So irrelevant that I don’t remember.
I played FF14 during a recent 6-month WoW break and flew through the main storyline up to Shadowbringers. I enjoyed it, though I also rolled my eyes any time a dungeon was required to progress. I play solo almost 100% and while having to rely on others was not ideal - waiting for the duty finder was the worst.
But truthfully, the dungeons and raids really aren’t that rough. That’s not me saying “git gud” like some sociopath troll, I honestly never found the content to be that challenging. Some of the side-content, optional raids, things you had to do to get legendary/artifact/(whatever they’re called, I forget) weapons - those are challenging.
The things you need to clear to finish the MSQ? Moderate difficulty maybe. I often found myself swapping to other jobs while I leveled just so I didn’t waste large chunks of MSQ experience. I got at least 3 jobs to max level before Endwalker came out and I never finished all the post-5.0 content.
So I sympathize with you, but I also think that - if you’re even remotely invested in the game - you should give it another shot and roll with the punches. It really isn’t that bad, outside of the long duty-finder queues.
The problem is that I am not invested in FF14 at all. Not any more.
It takes ALL my patience to keep invested in WoW thru all Blizzard’s abysmal shenanigans and bad game design.
No patience left for Square Enix, and their even worse game design.
You do know that for almost all the job quests and scenario quests after failing once you can set it to Easy/Very Easy, right? Unless you played this when Stormblood was new, but in Shadowbringers that feature was implemented on all solo duties going back to the very start of the game.
I wouldn’t say FF14 is necessarily “casual” but the game teaches you how to play and the difficulty and complexity curve very steadily ramps up from ARR through Endwalker. It’s not flat like in WoW where you can auto attack your way to level cap and then the difficulty level jumps dramatically at level cap content.