The Library

/casts Imprison, grabs Waidmann by the ear and shoves him out the door.

Come back when you’re decent.

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This library is too talkative. I’m going to another library.

Best wat to catch a typo. XDDD

Comes in looks,omg,Ok,time to jump into the basement.

builds book fort around card catalogue

This is mine now.

Surround your fort with bread slicing machines.

Nothings as great as sliced bread.

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/enters library with super soaker

lets play a game of paintball instead. the winner will receive a prize TBD

Ok and when we are done , we’ll call it abstract art and charge admission :smiling_imp:

blinks through the walls and sleeps on the big comfy chair

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I proceed through the library with a gut full of hot fumes and a precariously connected set of headphones set to maximum volume. In a futile attempt to cover up my crime, I ‘accidentally’ unplug my headphones and pretend I don’t know and fart massively while this song plays…

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All right who’s the one running around with duck calls and stink bait?


They who smelled it…

It was you wasn’t it .
I see you over there crop dusting the library

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Don’t be ridiculous! There’s no crops being grown in here!

I’m willing to bet that put put put put we all heard was really not the engine for your legs making you move .

Now I know why the exhaust smelt funny

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Oh, that was someone playing mini-golf. Don’t be foolish.

wakes up, stretches, makes an Alaskan tropical tree frog call and wiggles toes