The Library

/grabs whistle

Hey Gnomeboy. No outside food!

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Fixed that for you :stuck_out_tongue:

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12 hours later… still trapped in the history section in the library…


“You are not alone, nor trapped. I can open the door for you, if you really wish to leave.”

/drools on the encyclopedias

“Hungry, or just leaving your mark?”

You must have been dreaming…

The library burned down sir.

is still sitting in the ashes of the history section

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Waits for library to open.

Or is it truly reduced to a pile of ash? :eyes:

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A large feline suddenly appears before you. “Are you okay? It is time to leave this place. Besides, history is boring anyway. Time to rebuild.”

(I haven’t read every comment soooo, I might be missing context. But, I thought I read it has burned down. The librarian might kick me out too. Am I dreaming too?)

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The Library exists in multiple points of space and time. So it may or may not be open or closed, and it may or may not have been responsible for why Nozdormu went insane.

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Oh, I see. Just like the timeline and lore, then!

In that cases, I will do what I usually do if I think about those things too much; either take two aspirin or make a drink!

Sets up makeshift bar in the library parking lot.

“Don’t mind the dust and ash, folks!”

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Why not both?

“Excuse me miss but isn’t it a little early in the morning to be drinking?”

“Never went to bed yet, so technically it’s still late night for me!”

Offers both piña colada, and a cup of coffee. Choices!

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“I will take a cup of coffee please! And, screw it - do you happen to have some Baileys to go with it?” she winks



I thought the gnome was the food

You have an evil librarian lol… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


on Card Catalogue

How about this JIF

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