The least played Class?

its easily monk.

brewmaster is a great progression tank.

but mistweaver and windwalker spend there VAST VAST playtime being under powered and ignored by blizzard.

in the SL alpha/beta blizzard continuously lied to the small monk playerbase about changes coming to there specs. there is bugs that have been plaguing the class for over half a decade now that blizz absolutely refuse to address or fix. and when they do attempt it, they create larger problems.

i dont know who at blizz has such a hard on for storm earth and fire, but that trash fire of an ability has to go. it causes such a colossal amount of issues and bugs by itself. our talent tree hasnt had an iteration for 6 years now. we have a number of completely dead and useless talents. we scale HORRIFICALLY badly because we have basically 0 interaction between secondaries. thematically blizz tied pandarens to the hip of monks making them further undesirable for a lot of players making them unpopular by there own design.

the class needs a hell of a lot of work. you need to put in twice the effort of other classes to result in bottom 3-5 dps in the entire game. the class is a mess and blizz refuse to address the issues.


I personally cant stand the goofy monk animations, on top of the clashing aesthetics. Like, they should of went an entirely different route. That fist of fury ability, stance, blackout kick, all down right goofy.

Hmm. Wonder what the stats are for a heavily played race, playing a least played class+spec.

I tried resto for the first time this week in a few rando bgs. Never felt so useless in a bg the moment someone even glanced in my direction. I do better support as Enhance.

I think Healers in general are hurting now, I hope once they balance for the seasons and release gear itā€™ll get better.

lol. Just no.


I would guess Monk or Shaman.
Monks just donā€™t really fit in WoWs universe outside of pandaria imo.
And Shamans are just well, there. My guess is if more ā€œpretty racesā€ could be Shamans they would be a lot more popular.


You do not see Mages very often. Of all the raid groups I have joined, I can only remember one serious Mage raider.

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Monk IIRC.

Monks definitely

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Tinkerer and Necromancer for sure.


These are my two mains lol

Monks, but Iā€™d guess survival hunter is the least played spec, nothing more than anecdotal.

I just rarely ever see one.

We still are for sure. Paladins and shamans both have HUGE instant heals that can be used to save a clutch moment. Hand of freedom, windfury totem, etc. These should not be ignored.

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I always wanted to like monk. I have a barefoot troll monk somewhere half-leveled, and I really enjoyed kicking people in the face. But the class just never worked for me in basic gameplay. The ability rotations just never clicked with me, and overall I just felt like a rogue that couldnā€™t stealth, or a druid that couldnā€™t shapeshift, more than a monk that couldā€¦ do something no one else could? I canā€™t even think of anything distinct they do, besides their animations.

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Probably druid or rogue tbh.

I think its demon hunter, i havent seen another in any of bg i played

My guess plain dps monk.

I would actually guess that there are more windwalkers than mistweavers currently


The ONLY reason I dont play shaman is cuz its so limited on races that I can only play a fat guy and I donā€™t want to. Other than that I love the class. But race limits my fun I guess.