The Layering Scandal

Blizzard needs to figure out the expected attrition rate and then launch the appropriate number of servers so that we can get to a single layer at a reasonable amount of time. I don’t expect them to have 20 layers/realm as it is not reasonable to bring it down to a single layer within a few months.

How long will Phase 1 last? I dunno. I just hope the number of realms launched will be near the right number so that layering will naturally go away after 2-3 months.

I don’t know if you stopped reading there or if you are dishonest.

My next words are: “It must be much sooner than “the end of phase 1” which destroys server economy, phase 1 gameplay, and the entire leveling experience. 2-3 days, at worst 1 week. Guarantee me that layering is gone in a week and I shut up and say “okay”.”

If you cannot see how this destroys your entire post I don’t know what else to say.

Aren’t you the guy that was complaining about streamers a few day’s ago? lol hi again.

What makes you think that they can’t do what private servers did and use dynamic respawns for a few days and have mega servers with 10-20k players? If bootleg Europeans servers can do it why can’t a multi-billion dollar company? They have convinced you they can’t when in reality they don’t want to.

Alternatively, why not have sharding 2.0 for a few day for launch then end it? They are saying MONTHS now. It isn’t just for launch. This is crappy.

Dynamic respawns in pserver fashion hurts the economy way more than layers… So why are you ok with that?

This is incredible. Bugs in a beta.


I made a short post about how streamers spamming SM was bad for them and the beta. It was deleted. You can click on me and see the thread history. I have been vocal for a while against layering. I have been positive otherwise towards blizzards choices in WoW Classic in general. No agenda just honesty.

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ah yea it was one of the “i didn’t get flagged so now i watch streamers. but they aren’t playing how i would” i remember now

how many gray broken boots and wolf hides from level 1-5 zones will break the economy ?


Please actually read what I say, okay? Do you see the modifying words surrounding what you quote? “A FEW DAYS”.

If you have EITHER system for a few days there is no major negative. Either system left in place for a long duration is bad. Long duration is people who get to higher levels and begin abusing the system to get more ore/herb spawns/avoid pvp/rare spawns/etc.

I swear man… It is like people don’t want to understand what I am saying or something.


pservers are calling them “beta rejects”.

pserver dynamic respawns are crazy. If it stopped there thats one thing. It also inflates drop rates of other items.

Depends on which pserver you play. Some are more blizzlike than others.
On ND when they turned it on they turned the dial up a tad too much.
They apologized and adjusted and then it was fine. It’s zone based and population based. And that is blizzard code that has been in there since vanilla.

They didn’t expect 12K online at launch. Dynamic spawn was not turned on at launch. They were trying to solve the problem of too many people with too few resources. Took a tweek or two but they got it right.

Not like they could have called Blizzard to ask how it works…right ?

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Blizzard code or not I haven’t seen respawns near what I’ve seen on Nost/ely/ND. In the end it is an option was merely pointing out the flaw in the dynamic respawns > layering cause layering hurts economy argument.

Granted pservers have other issues that affect economy. Like higher mob density in general.

Sure they could have. Blizzard freely gives out numbers from code. We all know this. That’s why formulas are so well known from Vanilla.

There is no evidence to support it’s only going to last a short time. This isn’t an expansion where the same number of players are logging into the new expansion that played in the previous one. This is the possibility of every wow player logging in to play. The number of new players joining Classic could raise for months or longer. It could be that crowded for over a year.

Can we just let this anti layering meme die.

Its overused.

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Its only lasting till phase 2.

It literally will not function.

Thats when world bosses open up and blizzard has said that when that happens. Layering will be turned off. Doesn’t mattet the population of any server.

I sincerely appreciate you drawing attention to this issue. I wish there was a way we could solve this before launch. If what happens in the video becomes a regular occurrence, it will severely diminish the feel of classic

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[quote=“Xianmisuto-thrall, post:99, topic:194546”]
Its only lasting till phase 2.
[/quote] Maybe; we’ll see.

People that played back in the day got hooked and people playing for the first time will, too. I suspect the number of new players will raise for months after launch.

Based on what evidence?