The Layering Scandal

Well they will have the early signup for names. but that requires an active sub and how many will fork over $15 just to pick a name ?

15$ for a chance at beta, jk streamers only

15$ to reserver a name lol

Well maybe wow has more whales then I thought :slight_smile:

Well, let’s pretend that we ARE.

Those who are on the beta, just report that private servers offer higher quality service free of charge. Also, list some of such servers by name. Say that Elysium doesn’t have mobs spawning at you for no reason, say that Light’s Hope doesn’t despawn the only mob that you manged to tag. That’s the reports Blizzard cares about - the ones that threaten Blizzard’s income.

No, it doesn’t work like that. Dead servers, server merges and realm consolidation are signals to players that the game is dying, start looking for something else to do. It starts a chain reaction that just causes more and more people to abandon ship.

Get over it, I want classic to survive long term, not be some fun thing we all did for a few weeks in 2019.

I login into modern wow; the world looks full. I know the difference.

Lots will. But that’s too late for server estimates. Name reservations only work if you already have servers to create characters on. Otherwise any given name could only be reserved once.

Early reserve date is Q2, release is Q3. By putting early reserve 2 weeks away, they get a bump on 2nd quarter subs.

release is still 3Q. 3Q ends 9/30.
it’s all 3Q
They will have a full month of new player revenue.

2Q ends June 30.

In terms of streamers being silent about layering. I do believe most streamers and content creators, are not happy about Blizzard’s decision. They were there at Vanilla and can see that layering is the complete antithesis to the classic experience. Hence why classicast et al. aren’t espousing garbage like “layering is vital to the survival of classic” as a previous poster fanboy so asininely asserted. HOWEVER, they have a subscriber base to maintain so calling out blizzard while they play Beta with thousands of follower on twitch, is likely not in their best interests. Hence the crickets.

I’m not a no changer. No changers are a little too much IMO. However call me a no changer if I’m dead set against something that completely ruins the classic feel and that is sharding / layering for the first 2-3 months while most players will have leveled to 50-60 on their first toon. I really want to play this game but if it’s already 2 months in and I’m level 38 seeing people exploit the layering system to avoid PvP in STV, abuse the economy, or in one moment I’m surrounded by questers in Hillsbrad, I get an invited from a friend I made and everyone disappears…I’m out.

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However the tech for the game is the retail frame work with vanilla data

Classic surviving long term means it stays true to the player base that originally played it and called for it. If you had any interest in the long term viability of this game then you’d be against tech that mirrors what took the modern game down in flames.

And yes it does work like that. When my server went from medium population to low population to dead in vanilla, the first thought in my mind WAS NOT that the game is dead and no one plays it anymore. I could see healthy populated US servers such as Kiljaeden and Arthas but they were full. I was just unlucky to have chosen a server that died. I was offered a free transfer and I went to Firetree. Sure I had to get to know some people but that is what the game is about.

Mostly vanilla data…it’s not 100%

Right, data and framework are two different things

Who cares, its better than the current trash they are pushing on live. This pre-activison copy is going to be nice to play. I could care less about layering.

Well I am in beta and I can assure you, it’s awesome. It’s as true to vanilla as it possibly can be and a little bit of server tech isn’t going to change that. I suppose they should implement loot lag and server crashes to be “true” to the original days too?

Valid point. I think the name reservation may open their eyes a little to how many people are planning on playing.

Still don’t think its going anywhere and unlike you and Abigaiil I am not waiting… Guess I am part of the problem.

Server crashes… Can we get 24-48 hour extended maintenance’s too… Or better yet lets have 1 unexpected maintenance period per month.

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What data is missing?

The devs have already stated that they don’t believe the people who say they want a vanilla experience really intend to sit in a queue for hours waiting to log in. I tend to take their interpretation of the data at face value on that one.