The Layering Scandal

Yeah I have seen that, my brother was showing me that on the beta…

He was telling me that it’s was broken and should be fixed and working correctly “Soon”.

I fully expect the number to be closer to 10 -15 billion, and will grow to 600 trillion

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Sorry, i’m not sure what you mean here. English isn’t my first language, so sometimes i can’t tell for sure.
If you mean i’m putting up with layering as an option, i’m not. I still think it’s best if they use their new tech to it’s fullest to provide an authentic start to wow, which means everyone has a realm of one vanilla population right from the get go. It’d cost them more, even if one server can hold multiple realms on it now, but it’s worth it in my eyes in the longterm for the community and the game, and therefore also Blizzard.

Sorry - this was not addressed to you in particular.

My point is that if you decide to play with this layering system, you are telling Blizzard you are ok with it.

Surprised that the no change guys are willing to go along with this.

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The streamers have a financial interest to get as many people into the game/watching as possible. Layering helps with this. Why would they be against it?


Well I have been trying to convey that layering is not a good place for the game to stay in, so remove it as soon as possible, and try to patch it.

I agree, with layering present, the game is not in a NoChanges state. But it will be after it is gone.

Blizz is not willing to just release the original code version of the game, they are only willing to release with modern infrastructure.

Tin foil hats go to work on these forums. Very entertaining

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It’s good that you tell me this, i genuinely had no idea it looked that way. I’m still fully onboard with #nochanges, even if i’m a bit emo atm because people are so stubborn and Blizzard isn’t giving us any info yet on what’s really gonna happen.

The reason i asked the questions was to show that this isn’t a solution to the layering issue, and that it just shows that normal realms are the option to go with because by making the layers closed, we just end up with normal realms as the preferred option anyway. Even if it’s not articulated that way, that’s what it comes down to.

If people want the layers closed then that actually just says they want normal realms. And with that i definitely agree, because that’s the game Classic’s supposed to be if it wants to imitate Vanilla properly. 3k people, 1 realm, that’s it. No shenanigans. Any additional options should be the same the were back then too, aka free server transfers and so on.

I am just skeptical that they can remove in the first 3 months without running into bigger problems on popular servers.

Streamers are entertainment, not game developers nor are they good at testing game systems… (overall)

Regardless of this the regular player is who Blizzard should be paying attention too (watching); it was without a doubt “streamers”, crybabies on the general forums and “youtubers” that destroyed modern WoW.

So why on earth would Blizzard incline an ear to these people?

Sure throw them into BETA for the free publicity, but for crying out loud do not listen to them, they’re killing every game they touch.

I believe the thought process behind the layering is to avoid an AQ like situation, or imagine how the first stress test went everyone is complaining they can’t get past character creation screen. They are going to use layering to keep from that experience at the end of the day if they don’t layer at start launch of classic will be atrocious and will lose much of the hype it has already garnered. Blizzard cares about making money and if you sub for classic that’s money they get, but if the start is horrible people unsub blizz loses money

A healthy skepticism. Blizz is going to have to thread a needle with this launch, it will be challenging to manage.

I agree - they just aren’t getting mine until layering is out. I know I am a minority, but I can wait a few months to play.

Just shard 1-25 for the first month. Just like they planned.

Right - but the point is many of streamers look like huge hypocrites right now.

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That’s because they’re not really hypocritical to what they believe in, and that’s money.

Only their true colors are showing though at this point (many).


With sharding they could get away with leaving some zones sharded while the world bosses were present. Layering is either on or off, that is a thing I like about it. It will have to be gone altogether.

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So they say.

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Yup, and because of that and their desire to have only 1 instance of each world boss per server; Layering must be removed come phase 2 just as they claimed.

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You’re gonna be one sad dwarf when you read this.
Developers bring streamers to HQ and actually consult with them on future game design :frowning:
Why do you think they are called “influencers” ? Who is their target audience to influence ?

Those “influencers” got invited to Irvine right before beta.
Blizzard influenced those influencers to influence their viewers.