Main topic is for all things related to the Original Last of Us game, The sequel Last of us 2 and the TV show. As well as everything else Zombie Apocalypse.
Well here’s my personal opinion on the two Last of Us games.
I have always been a fan of the zombie apocalypse movies ever since I saw my first George Romero film. So needles to say when The Last of Us was released I immediately bought the game and it became my favorite Zombie game next to Left 4 Dead, and now World War Z Aftermath.
The Last Of Us:
The first thing I liked about The Last of Us was that it had a third person perspective. I like seeing my character, then go into aiming over the shoulder shooting perspective. The next thing was the beautiful graphics that lent the world immersion. There was also plenty of environments to explore. The story itself was absorbing albeit simple. Father looses daughter to tragic incident, then helps another girl his daughter’s age travel through a dangerous devastated land. All the while building a bound between the Bereft father and orphaned surrogate daughter. And at the end of the journey making a tough decision.
Great game. lots of fun adventure, exploration and combat. A heart warming ending.
The Last of Us 2: When I heard about this sequel I was extremely excited. I thought that this was going to continue Joel’s and Elli’s adventure threw the land of the living dead.
More exploration and adventure. But unfortunately that was not going to be the case. We meet joel and Ellie as well as Dina in a small villiage during the xmas season. There is a party, with music, dancing and xmas trees and xmas lights while there’s a light snowfall outside. It was a lovely scene. But that was as far as the warm nostalgic theme went. Then the game unpredictably changed course and character. Joel get brutally murdered as Ellie looks on in horror. From here the game slides into madness. To sum it up. We the player are now forced to play as joel’s killer. And Ellie unreasonably leaves her new family Dina and the baby alone while she goes on a demented murderous rampage of vengeance to kill Joe’s murderer and everyone in her way. All of the characters are now portrayed as visious murderous lunatics. The game then devolves into mindless violence for the sake of violence with no redeeming reason. The ending is senseless in light of everything that went on in the game previously. To this date I can’t figure out why the developer decided to take the game in a path of self destruction?
I wish that a The Last of us 3 was made where the events of game 2 where just a bad nightmare and Joel wakes up to continue the adventure with Ellie and Dina.
I have only seen a few segments of the tv series. Not enough to form an opinion yet. from what I’ve seen so far the tv show is following the originals story faithfully. I would love to here what everyone else thinks of the two Last of Us games and the tv show.
PS: If you want to talk about other Zombie Apocalypse games, movies tv shows etc. Feel free to do so.