The Last Mount You Found

Vitreous Stone Drake dropped for me a couple days ago. Now I am hunting for the Raven Lord. Damn you Sethek Halls!

How about you?



I got the alpaca off the undead dino in Vol’dun.



The last mount drop I got was Invincible.

I never have to step foot (or hoof or paw) in Icecrown Citadel ever again. I am so happy!


OMG I don’t think it will ever drop LOL. Lucky as hell. How long ago was that?

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Ironhoof Destroyer from BRF just this last Tuesday. Been farming it since Legion started! Was in complete disbelief when it dropped :smiley:


A couple months ago.

Good luck on your hunt! I have several left to go too.

Mail Muncher, also the drone thingy from the raising quests in Uldum was technically my last (not really a drop/found though which is why I chose Mail Muncher instead).

Also finally got Onyxian Drake around the same time, don’t know how many times I’ve had to kill that dragon…


Hey, same here! I just got Dottie last time that boss was up, as well.

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Long-Forgotten Hippogryph, got it back in Legion, didn’t even hunt for it either I just stumbled across a crystal and found the rest in time.

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Wait, y’all are getting mount drops?


Incoming honeymoon joke.

I recently got the Onyxian Drake on my fifth try. Meanwhile, I’m coming up on my third year trying to get that dang proto-drake to drop in Utgarde Pinnacle. :angry:

I’m oddly lucky with a lot of raid mounts, but dungeon mounts take me forever despite daily tries.

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I got mimiron’s head just last week. Decided to test ulduar with my raid farming for gold and it dropped for me I was pretty surprised.

Now if I could only get arthas to drop invincible for me.

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Squawks. Changed my tmog to this piratey one because of it :stuck_out_tongue:

G.M.O.D. on my first lfr run

The blue bat from island expeditions.

Found? Mail Muncher.


… yeah, still the Mail Muncher.

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Felsteel Annihilator which put me at 532 mounts on my Paladin. Taking a break for awhile.


Just a casual 532 mounts? Lol
How many expansions of straight up unlocking the new X number of mount achievements is that? :joy:

Eh? What do mean?