The last day of 9.0.5

So basically, look forward to another 6 months of this in a few weeks when they want to save money on sub and get a “free” mount?


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How exactly is it fine?

Can you explain in no less than ten thousand words? Remember the “lol just post constructive feedback”? Yeah how about we turn that argument for your side.

Why don’t you post a list of things which are fine?

Mark your calendar. 14 days from today and I won’t be posting anymore.


She only need consistency out of your actitude.

Because it looks like even if you hate wow, you will still playing 9.1 even if you hate it.

And thats hipocrital, and very. Kek


I most certainly will not.

This topic went off the rails quickly, even for a Clàrk thread.


Really? That’s horribly pathetic, tbh.

100% many of the same players who have ranted about how horrible this expansion has been and have constantly bashed 9.1 will still be here throughout the whole next patch telling us how bad it is.


Sometimes he has the sense to not post like he owns the forums. But most of the time his posts are often ruined by his “I know what’s right for you and you better believe it or you’re toxic”.


The only thing you can ever be sure of is that the WoW forum community will always have a reason to be really really sad.

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Nobody cares about the opinion of someone who said they used their stimulus check to buy a Bruto mount.


A reason to be very angry.

We like to be outraged and angry. Sadly

What do you think WoW players are? Robots? Or glazed over brainwashed sheep?

God forbid people actually get angry over ignored feedback and broken things.


No thanks. Doubtful to go through a single run without experiencing toxic players not likely to myself but to others. Refuse to play with a single toxic person.

Except you know, the catch up gear is RNG to even obtain (You could literally spend 1,000,000 Stygia and only ever get the same slot of gear) and requires a ton of grinding to upgrade.

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I play with friends. The way the game was meant to be played.

I enjoyed torghast a lot. Some guildies and I would run it weekly and we cleared TC. I actually appreciate that once we were done with it we could stop.

The raid was good. It was a little too long if anything for an intro raid but the bosses were fun and the armor looked great.

I enjoy covenants. I like that I can theme out my characters. The abilities are cool and I really don’t care that we have to choose 1.

Anima is a drag but it also is not required to be farmed quickly and I can plug away at it all expansion.

I haven’t found loot to be that tough to get. I also have realistic expectations for what my ilvl should be. Mine is exactly where it should be for the content I run.

I hated bfa, I don’t hate shadowlands.


There’s a common trend in internet discourse, for some reason, to act as if the most reasonable argument is the least emotional.

That’s not to say there aren’t a lot of highly emotional, borderline rant-level outbursts on here - but having an emotional basis to your argument isn’t the death knell a lot of people seem to think it is.

… We’re literally all emotional. The people who think they’re not are deluding themselves.

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Getting angry at a videogame is stupid.

With all the stuff that is going on out there people getting angry to my is laughable.

Use your rage points to do something besides bashing something you are paying for, stop paying, play other game, idk.

Just curious, are you including bugs in this statement? Because it seems like s lot if classes ate going live with many bugs unfixed which is rather concerning.

Give it a few days lol


Same. I defended Torghast pre-nerf but it was not meant to be a out and out challenge outside of Twisting Corridors. That was a wrong move to make normal Torghast difficult for very little reward.

Raids are always top notch in WoW. In fact other MMOs look like newbs in front of WoW’s raids.

I enjoy every aspect of Covenants except the borrowed power and the anima grind.

Loot was in a very bad place especially in raids when they made that stupid decision to lower it and reverted it after some time. Never should have messed with it.

I’ve always maintained that Shadowlands has the potential to be great. Anyone who says BFA is great is either wearing rose tinted glasses bought from 8.2 and 8.3 or they don’t know how to compare 9.0.5 with 8.0.5.

Except not. These people who claim to be “reasonable” are the ones who ignore the fact that since BFA, Blizzard has been ignoring useful constructive feedback.

There’s only so long you can pretend to be reasonable while you realize you’re being taken for a fool.

Getting angry at a video game is stupid. Yeah sure buddy.

But getting angry at a video game you pay for is not stupid. You’re paying money. Get off your high horse. People’s money and time are being spent into not just playing the game but also giving constructive feedback.

Visit the PTR forums and you’ll know they’ve deliberately ignored constructive feedback. Educate yourself on the context before trying to sound high and mighty.