Or at least that’s the conclusion we came to in Alliance trade chat today. There were 3 RP guilds openly advertising this afternoon in trade: Hearthside Heroes, Dungeons n Dracthyrs, and Silver Lights.
Look them up!
Or at least that’s the conclusion we came to in Alliance trade chat today. There were 3 RP guilds openly advertising this afternoon in trade: Hearthside Heroes, Dungeons n Dracthyrs, and Silver Lights.
Look them up!
What are they doing to heal the land? Sounds intriguing.
I think the point is that RP is returning to the forgotten land of Alliance WRA.
Good news all around!!!
Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but sometimes I go outside and give an emotional speech to a nearby bush.
Seriously, it was just the fact that there were 3 completely independent guilds advertising in trade (not to mention there was also a PvE guild advertising) while I was hanging out in SW.
Plus there’s Thomas Bates’ event tonight.
Alliance is making a comeback. Horde is doing well with guilds and events. I’m excited for the expac