The lag is real

So I am not the only one in the realm who is putting up with this lagging in-game But if this does not get fixed then the game will not be fun to play and I will not want to play or spend any more money. So Blizzard we are asking to get this fix I did all I can do on my part now it is your turn> And for all that read this, I did 1. Unplug the power and Ethernet cables from the modem. …
2. Wait 2-3 minutes for the modem to fully power off. …
3. Reconnect the power and Ethernet cables to the modem.
4. Wait for the Internet light to turn solid, then check if the internet is working properly.
Then I called my ISP and we did some steps to see if it was on my end. So this one is not my fault. #FIXYOURGAME