Despite both wrathion, ebission, ebonhorn, deathwing(raid boss), deathwing(heroes of the storm), the entirety of blackwing lair, and nefairon… you’re meaning to tell me they couldn’t come up with a valid black/earth magic tank spec for evokers? Honestly I don’t buy it.
Apparently you did as you’re playing a Dracthyr rn.
I know it’s crazy! It’s almost like I play multiple characters in a game that lets you have up to 20 per server
Is the next class going to only have two specs also? Getting kinda’ tired of the corner cutting…
definitely feels like a missed opportunity for it not having a tank spec.
This is the 4th class added to the game since vanilla and it’s the first of those 4 without a tank spec and only the second with a heal spec, I’m okay with that, it was time to shake it up a little
I don’t think it needs a tank spec.
DK and DH had no healing specs. This is nothing new, or anything to do with cutting corners.
I agree but everyone wants a melee spec.
Only two specs = corner cutting.
I absolutely do not want that at all.
To be honest I’m fine with it. They theme is they’re a very mobile mid-range caster.
They would have to really re-balance the class to make up a tank spec.
And if they did, at what point are they treading on Demon Hunter territory? That class already fills the “Has wings, will tank” niche.
Theres always an outlier in things. MOST people would have appreciated a melee spec and it wouldn’t have hurt you at all to have one.
What’s your data on that? Do Mages also want a melee spec?
I still remember when hunters went from being a ranged physical DPS class with three unique flavors to being “a ranged class where the melee spec is the best option.”
They gave us the excuse with demon hunters about the class being 2 spec due to it being based mostly on illidan and the DH hero units from the RTS. Evokers have no such excuse, the class being based off ALL schools of dragon magic as opposed to just a single focused character like DH’s.
There’s no rule that you need three specs. Some have two, one has four.
Nothing like what were talking about here. On my server we took a role call - who wished the class also had a melee spec - everybody did.
Why do you protest? Another spec, you know the three that every class used to have before Bliz started getting lazy, wouldnt afect your enjoyment of the ranged one at all.
all the previous new classes have a tank spec - its bad enough that evokers are caster and healer only in melee range - they could have at least made a full range class
What are you talking about? No, they didn’t put a third spec on DH because they wanted to focus the ideas they had on two good specs instead of three mediocre ones.