The Laboratory of Mardivas Bugged?

I enter the lab with a quest in the laboratory, like last week the first time you do it. Bring my reagents and can’t click on any of the crystals to activate the other mobs you can kill. The first week I killed the Arcane Amalgamation which I assume most people did bc we were just doing the quest, and this week I haven’t spawned/killed an enemy in the lab and can’t seem to spawn any of the other ones. I looked up videos on the quest itself and there’s little gears that pop up on the crystals in the video which do not appear for me or my guildmate who has the same problem. Am I stupid or is it bugged or for me?


I didn’t have any problem with this, I used the lesser and greater blue ones this week so it does sound like it may be bugged for you if you have the reagents and the book in the lab had the quest ! above it.

Im having the same issue with this quests i have all the arcane reagents yet I cant active any of the pillars before or after accepting the quest. Not sure what to do

Yup, I’m having the same issue, i have a lot of reagents and can’t interact with the stones

I am still having this issue after putting in multiple bug reports, plenty of reagents but cant interact with the stones either

was there was quest marker over the book near the entrance of the lab? I had to get the quest first then I could click on the crystals. Ive been able to do it each week

same thing just happened to me. It was my 4th week but went in there and just got the intro quest again and could not interact with anything… since this is a weekly kill to an achievement this ought t to be fixed.

I’ll renew this thread.

I am now having this problem. I have relogged, reloaded, dropped quest, removed reagents, got new reagents - literally everything I could think of and this will STILL NOT let me interact with it. This is a 13 week achievement, and if I cannot switch the crystals around to the next npc, then it’s now a 14 week quest and possibly more because it’s bugging out.

I can’t click the crystals either. any solution?

Exactly the same issue. Second week and I can’t click any of the crystals despite having a stack of 20 of each reagent…

9 30 2020 Bugged for me as well. Opened ticket on this as I could not find a solution in the forums.

ditto !!! Is this ever going to work??