The Kydrav got noticed

he legit said what ive been saying all this time

“what sword”

but congrats Kydrav
we are actually getting it this Tuesday

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How could you forget my name Dab :[


i did not

Really wondering if “The Sword” was actually about the Obsidian Greatsword or some other meme sword either way hilarious.

Moreso thinking Corrupted Ashbringer.

wait what sword are we getting? can you link it and how do we buy it?

Lol, he’s trolling I think.

Still funny though.

99% sure he’s talking about Corrupted Ashbringer.

I think it’s that or the on going meme of Sargeras’s sword


He is talking about the big sword in Silithus that is kinda just stuck in Azeroth. It is a huge PvE meme from when they said they will do something about it in BFA.



Its okay, Squidward.


Somebody is gunna make a meme of that.

Get rid of it quickly.

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stop giving me ideas aaaaaa

I mean. This expansion is cata to their wrath-like shadowlands, theme wise, i can see them doing a mop next expansion with a hidden island of lore friendly side characters who just so happen to have exactly what we need to deal with the fact that azeroth is changing due to the sword, and our efforts in BFA, leading to the rumored cata 2.0 where thryre gonna overhaul the base game upscaling it to make room for dragonflying in kalimdor and eastern kingdoms

They need to do an AZEROTH expansion. Yknow the world of warcraft. Not the “secluded current content zone of warcraft”

The story is legit soyboy avengers teir “eyes peering at you slands” and the design team can NEVER repeat NEVER get another xpac down so greatly like mop ever was. Mop had insanely good lore and content for both pvpers and pve. Timeless aisle was the best descision theyve ever did. Challenge mode sets rewarded the “m+” ers of that era that they will never do again cause lol its pve.

The game will reset once they do another azeroth xpac and not bfa

Also blizz should stop being dumb and making xcuses for the enchants. The “muh hardware” excuse doesnt work anymore when they can make stuff like dragonriding and insanely detailed visual shows like horrific visions and whole zone conversions for s4 bfa like ong fr

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The expansion itself was great yea. I have other opinions about the steps that took it to get there but I enjoyed every moment of it that wasn’t the mess of gear / balance / bugs before grievous/prideful tho. Which is to say every expansion has rocky starts and then ends up being remembered rather fondly at least compared to the one that follows it.

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this is all the effort i’m wiling to put in


proud of you