The Kirin Tor needs to answer for its complacency

Anduin called for aid during the War of Thornes, yet were where the Kirin Tor. All of those people needed to be evacuated and yet only one portal was open. They couldn’t have opened a second one directly to Dalaran or Stormwind?


The Kirin Tor doesn’t answer to Anduin, and it’s better off that way.

The less people who answer to Anduin, the better off the game is as a product able to be actually enjoyed by a non-brain dead person.


Meta reasoning? Not their expansion, so they aren’t involved.

In-lore? Might just be plain old enforcing neutrality once a war starts, might be they’re tied up in making sure the Broken Isles and Tomb of Sargeras remain locked down, or maybe Khadgar has them involved off-screen in looking for their own fix to the whole “planet is dying” thing.


Answer to Anduin? No, but that should answer period. Maybe to a council of Alliance members. Being neutral doesn’t mean allowing a genocide to happen or allowing innocents to be held hostage when you could have prevented it. They did nothing and that’s just abhorrent.


I would say it’s because of how unrealistically fast it burned down. Word had to travel to Dalaran and a plan of action would have had to be made, mages don’t rally like soldiers. By the time enough mages in Dalaran would have been made aware of it, it would have been too late.

Not only that but magic is a bit more temperamental lorewise. They wouldn’t just instantly open a hundred portals, they would have to calculate leylines, etc., to meet a demand that large, and that takes time.

Y’know, unless you want another Outland. That’s how you get another Outland.


Like Khadgar, I suspect they’d rather stay neutral in the faction war

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Dalaran is probably in a bit of a tricky position these days. With the blue dragonflight abandoning their task, the Kirin Tor has basically had to take up the torch of being stewards for the world’s most dangerous magical knowledge and artifacts.

Consequently, they’re got more incentive than ever to not get entangled in faction wars where allegiances could lead to allies demanding that they bust out Focusing Irises and Surge Needles to lay waste to the enemy. Being responsible for preventing reckless use of the arcane arguably excludes them from delving into such affairs at this point, as using their power to shift the balance of temporal affairs on Azeroth would risk drifting into the territory of what Malygos was doing during the Nexus War.


The thing is, unless I remembered something wrong, Anduin sent for aid as soon as he knew that were moving on the tree. The city guard held the Horde off for quite a while. Assuming a mage ported to Dal to inform them the Kirin Tor, they had time to do something.

I had that thought too, but I don’t think a second one would have hurt. First was significant enough to get our the Gilneains and thousands of the elves a second could have saved the thousands the didn’t get out.

One, they dont answer to anduin. Two they do have a lot of different task they need to do, such as stopping the planet from dying, and stopping the planet from dying. And 3, a mass evacuation takes time, and word has to travel from one person to another. Then you got the whole bureaucratic nightmare that is getting 6 people to agree to it, then finding room for them to live in such a limited space as dalaran.

The Kirin Tor is the one nation run by a council, and democracy always takes longer then it should.

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Also one might recall that the “projected” premise of Sylvanas’ invasion was to capture Teldrassil. Seemingly nobody else - including her own subordinates - suspected she would torch it to the ground, as everyone was coached to expect a siege with intent to capture.

Had she not done so, and instead tried to invade and seize Darnassus, the evacuation measures already being enacted may well have been sufficient to empty Teldrassil of people before the Horde could actually make landfall.


Doing nothing while terrible things happen is Dalaran’s specialty though.


“I’ll send a unit of Stormwind guards to assist with the evacuations in Howling Oak and wherever else in Darnassus they can. Archmage Malin, get a message to Dalaran. Tell them the situation and ask if they would be willing to join us here in Stormwind—to get more refugees through portals.”

Malin nodded. [source]


Many would disagree, I am sure.

The degree of interference would be a factor.


I see your point. That said we know there were still thousands in the tree by thunder time she reached the beach. Traveling from the shore to the tree wouldn’t have been that long.

I may be nit picking but I think the key word there is portals. Plural, I only remember one being open. I can’t believe that there was no where else in that giant tree where they could have made a second one.

Ok, good point.

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Question: Didn’t Shattrath aide Theramore when they were being invaded by Garrosh’s Horde? Or was that just certain individuals from Shattrath that answered Theramore’s plea for help?

Careful, some people actually believe this.

Also it was fun having you a Human Pally while it lasted.


I’ll go back and re read that incase I remembered incorrectly but I could have sworn in was the one in the temple.

I used to think that but after further examination it was quite a few thousand that died. The elves are not near extinction but they took a big hit. Also Finel is a nightelf.


I mean, to solve this simply, we can look at Stormwind. There are upwards of 100,000 citizens in Stormwind in lore (dunno if this counts just citizens or all forms of people). There is not 100,000 NPCs in Stormwind. By that same logic, the population of Darnassus (not including other Teldrassil settlements like Shadowglen or Dolanaar) is vastly more than 984.


Actually, reaching Teldrassil from the beach might have taken a good while. At that point in time the Horde didn’t have any ships near Darkshore, as involving their navy in the original invasion would have tipped off the night elves to their intentions and had Tyrande recalling the fleet (with the army therein) from Silithus even sooner than she did.


You’re right, I forgot about that and they only took like 2 ships from the elves at the Zoram Strand.

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