The Kingdom of Alterac

Or just give them Northrend.

True, though as far as I know the term Crushridge never appeared until Vanilla.

Alterac should be a new independent ‘kingdom’ with horde sympathies through an alliance of ogres, frost wolves and syndicate. Paving the way for ogres AR, an allied race of human (reskinned as rugged mountain men/women - highlanders with a penchant for swiss cheese instead of haggis).

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The Syndicate were trying to bring back Blackmoore style orc slavery as early as Vanilla. The orcs would and should have nothing to do with them but slaughter and sabotage. Hell, the only reason the orcs had a presence in Vanilla Hillsbrad at all wasn’t to help the Forsaken pick fights with southern Lordaeron, but to steal from the Syndicate on Thrall’s behalf.

As for the ogres, the mob distribution makes it seem like they were what drove the humans out of whatever was left of Alterac City after the kingdom got sanctioned in the first place.

I could see Alterac return back into the story once more but this time they join the Horde for reasons of the Second War Backstory and of course they really hated both Stromgarde, Lordaeron, and the Alliance in General. Plus I much rather see the Syndicate once again as a potential Allied Race than just another weak npc mob faction kinda of the Scarlets in Tirisfal Glades.

Was Blackmoore really a Alteraci? I thought he was Lordaeronian.

This idea has been teased alot within the Horde and Allied Races in general and Honestly I don’t mind seeing Alteraci Humans on the Horde if it brings in that League and ESO Feeling since there’s already Blood Elves on the Alliance and Night Elves on the Horde. Might as well.

Not interested in Ogres. A few people would play them and we would forget about them. Humans would make a difference.

The cancelled adventure game he was supposed to be the heavy in said he was from Alterac, Golden has said he’s from Lordaeron. The lore has gone back and forth on that, but it doesn’t make much difference. The Durnholde dungeon journal says that Aliden Perenolde was a buddy of Blackmoore’s, and the Vanilla quest that revealed the Syndicate’s intentions to enslave was called “Blackmoore’s Legacy.” Aliden even gave his own captive the same pendant Taretha Foxton had once worn (which was what Thrall sent after.)

I remember the day when more people were asking for Ogres than High Elves or any other race. I kind of like the idea of a two headed Ogre where each head is played by a different player.

Not much of a difference… kind of how like Cleopatra was actually Greek and Czar Nicholas the 2nd was the King of England’s cousin.

For what it’s worth, his first appearance said he was from Alterac. But that was back when orcs were ucked fup on the gnomish Black Ale, and before anyone had come up with Mannoroth.

You know what would make a difference? Plot that doesn’t make the Horde into either cardboard villains or sidekicks for Human leaders.


I don’t want to see the horde’s racial roster blurred with normal races any harder than it already has been. The whole intended gimmick of the faction is that they’re supposed to be made up of misfit monster races that don’t fit in with the alliance; blood elves and nightborne have watered that down more than enough already, and giving the horde regular humans would make that even worse.

Dark Irons, Void elves, worgens, heck even draenei to a degree. That ship has sail a long time ago.

I’ll give you draenei and worgen as a reflection of the horde’s two elves (although you know how I feel about those) but DI dwarves and void elves are still just dwarves and elves.

But just because those have happened, doesn’t mean I think the ship’s continued sailing into the horizon is a good thing.

This is a certified Horde elf moment.

Nobody thinks of any of those as monster races except the worgen, and Blizzard has put us all to great pains to remind us those are GILNEANS and that’s what matters.

My point in adding these two is more because they were always on the “darker” side of things. Literally. That while the Alliance was always suppose to be Tolkien style good guy it has for the most part slowly lost that and has slowly gotten more “misfits/monster” races.

And I personally think the factions will have to find something else to define themselves with rather then whole “hey we are the underdogs/misfit/tribal good guys side or the traditional looking good guys/traditional pretty looking guys”.

Metzen had to issue a public apology about all the retcons he did to give the Alliance a less monstrous, more traditionally heroic looking version of the draenei as opposed to what we knew from WC3 and Vanilla.