The King of Diamonds Has Been Made a Pawn

So been thinking about the other cosmic forces in relation to our current SLs party fun times, and the ilgynoth line “the king of diamonds has been made a pawn.” Still has haunted my dreams till Bellular made a video on it, and it is very logical that Magni played into N’zoth plan perfectly at this point. We heroes ended BFA with Magni proclaiming the old gods are no more, their taint cleansed from Azeroth before or next biggest threat appeared. One that N’zoth even told us about, and with great accuracy. “It grows. . . Hungrier, bolder mmmm alas your eyes remain closed.” And “The veil wanes, his crown will open the way.”

So to cut to the meat of this thread. . . Do you all believe we are free of the old gods? Or have they pulled one over on us, it’s N’zoths plan still unfolding as we speak? Xalatath the black blade is gone, with no explanation of what happened to it.


I believe Azeroth is currently free from any Old God presence but that does not mean the Void Lords can’t/won’t send more or stronger creatures of the Void.


It’s unlikely that we’re done with Old Gods as a “thing.” It’s possible that Azeroth’s specific collection of them might be done for good, or they might have simply been banished back to the Void, and rendered only able to exert limited influence through surviving minions and the vestigial remains of their tendrils in the planet.

That said, we don’t even entirely know what Old Gods are, so the nature of their “deaths” is up in the air. It could very well turn out that literally every Void-originated entity we’ve ever encountered was really a Void Lord extending a varying limited amount of its self into our reality, with Old Gods literally being physical avatars of specific Void Lords with the same names and identities still mostly contained within the Void itself.

So theoretically killing Azeroth’s Old Gods may have amounted to the same sort of thing as killing Sargeras’ avatar, with the true entities’ consciousnesses just being snapped fully back to their original bodies in the Void and forced to start over again with their efforts to intrude upon our plane of existence.

Honestly Xal’atath strikes me as something “apart” from the Old Gods. Like maybe the “Old God plan” isn’t the only script being followed by the Void and she might be representative of an alternative scheme being pursued by separate Void Lords from those who chucked mountains of flesh into the Great Dark. It would honestly make sense given that all of the Void Lords sharing the same itinerary would kind of fly in the face of the Void seeing and pursing all possibilities. Her conversation with N’zoth just felt to me like he was making a deal with an “outsider” rather than one of his own brethren or allies.


At this point I don’t think it really is free, I mean if we remember old gods buried themselves deep within Azeroth that trying to excise them ends in catastrophe (N’zoth being exempt due to dying in a pocket dimension) i just find it hard to believe that a being with such foresight, and has been planning for oh so very long was defeated in a patch after just getting time to stretch his legs oncemore.

I could very well be wrong though, but my mind also harkens to “from the earth he draws strength, our earth, our strength.” Which would bring Wrathion into Nzoths plans. Sorry if this is rambly and one expansion to late.

Honestly when I brought her up, it was more about the blade itself when it stabbed N’zoths carapace. But you might very well be right, and those are good points.

The original Shadowlands leak (the real one with the mostly accurate logo, not the fake Stormwind harbor one) had the Old Gods as a prominent centerpiece of the expansion.

I would not be the least bit surprised to know that the “Death” Zovaal seeks to unchain is Yog Saron. This expansion has been all about exploring in depth the otherwise obscure lore behind the Lich King and the Wrath expansion.

Yog Saron is and was a large and mostly unexplored part of that equation.

Sylvanas landed on Saronite when she committed suicide. Yog Saron is known as “Hope’s End” and Sylvanas seeks to “Kill Hope”

Just sayin.


Another interesting take, but remember saronite has no effect on undead besides having mindless undead whisper the name of Yog saron. So I doubt personally that Syls suicide onto icecrowns many spikes to be a contributing factor to her current mental state.

I am curious as to why yog claimed to be “The god of death” though since cosmology wise, void has no sway on those realms.


The same way Y’Shaarj and N’Zoth touched and corrupted the Emerald Dream, Yog Saron could have touched and corrupted the Shadowlands, perhaps the Maw is the way it is because of Yog Saron.

It’s just interesting that Zovaal in the most recent cinematic says “Death was never meant to be chained”…is he talking about himself? But he was imprisoned in the Maw himself…he is a prisoner…that’s hardly becoming of a personification of “Death” or “Warcraft’s Satan” as he has been described by some.

He acts more like a servant. Maybe his original crime that caused the other Eternal Ones to turn against him was choosing to serve Yog Saron?

Either way Yog is linked to the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel, refers to himself as “Hope’s End” and has taken on the moniker of being “Death” personified. And we all feel like the Old God threat was not adequately explored in BfA…maybe there’s a reason for that?


Maybe Yogg’Saron has more influence upon the cosmos than the other Old Gods knew of… after all, they considered N’Zoth the weakest of their kind, yet he escaped imprisonment and came close to enslaving our own characters… something the other Old Gods never accomplished…

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I’m certain the jailers ego has him consider himself to be the personification of death, and he did break his chains did he not? But like I said interesting takes for sure.

Hard to say, maybe Yog has a hand in the void invasion of bastion? Who knows, allot of it is hard to say because we don’t know if Yog has power or sway within the shadowlands.

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The fact that N’Zoth predicted Sylvanas beating Bolvar and breaking the helm suggests that it was all part of his plan, if he could see the future, why didn’t he stop his own end?

I still think N’Zoth is free, and when he talked about all eyes being opened I think he was talking about the Titan cover up. The Titans lied about the origin of mortals.

We are not Titan constructs.


I don’t think the Visions of N’Zoth were a pocket dimension. I think they were a future reality manifested put of N’Zoth’s dreams and visions. It’s hard to say if killing N’Zoth in his dreams, killed him on our mortal plane, if that makes any sense.

It would be like killing someone in the Emerald Dream in the future. Does that kill them in the present? Who knows.

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Nyalotha is the pocket dimension I was speaking of, since it is not a realm that is on Azeroth but instead accessed through a gateway.

Well most races Are Titan constructs, they’ve deviated greatly from their former designs due to curse of flesh. But if we’re cutting hairs Ilgynoths line “Flesh is his gift, he is your true creator.” Would mean that the humans/dwarves/gnomes are a product of old god influence.

Y’Shaarj didn’t touch the Emerald Dream… It was Yogg-Saron who touched the Emerald Dream turning it into the Emerald Nightmare with the Chronicle making it clear that he was Xavius’s master until his defeat in Ulduar.

N’Zoth moving in to recruit Yogg-Saron’s lackey first chance he got and sending in Il’gynoth to communicate with us when the Legion subjugated Xavius in Legion merely shows his opportunism!

N’Zoth’s own Emerald Dream infestation was traditional Void Magic rather than being Death Magic like Yogg-Saron’s Magics which resemble that of Maldraxxus and some of the Death Magic in the Maw.

Are we even certain that Yogg-Saron came from the Void in the first place? The majority of Old Gods from the Void that we’ve seen use Pure Void Magic( in some manner yet Yogg-Saron seems to use just Death Magic.

Plot twist: We are all tentacles, turned into humanoids!

Plot plot twist: We are all figments of Azeroth imagination.

When you do the Visions of N’Zoth you collect pages of a book. In this book they suggest that the Titans cursed us with The Curse of stone, we were always made of flesh.

This book is downplayed because if you read it it makes you go crazy, or it opens your mind, either way. Wrathion doesn’t let you read it. He confiscated it, says he will keep it hidden away as tk not convert more followers to N’Zoth.

Old God alternate history of our existance and our creation does exist…

So who is the He who gave us flesh, who is our true creator. Is it Death?

Yog is the one who placed the curse of flesh upon the forge of wills, but in general the old gods themselves created modern mortals except for the few naturally occurring races of Azeroth

Even if Magni is currently a Pawn, if we can get him all the way to opponent’s side of the board without him getting captured we can make him a Queen.

Is that an actual chess deal? Legit curious or is this checkers now? :joy::rofl::joy:

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