Put up or shut up.
All You’ve shown me is a self play prot paladin spinning a cart in Silvershard.
Show dps or healer main.
Put up or shut up.
All You’ve shown me is a self play prot paladin spinning a cart in Silvershard.
Show dps or healer main.
Will you post your reflex
Post your main.
Feel free to browse for yourself
Can I have your reflex now
Post your dps or healer main.
I 100% can see why they kicked you out
No tier
No enchants
No crafted item
No hps
and your attitude
Now you’re just lying. God forbid you had to show your dps or healer PvP main.
https ://ibb.co/RvHScR8
https ://ibb.co/Gsv8fzH
https ://ibb.co/RvR7jVY
https ://ibb.co/jzMmNkY
My attitude is the same as everyone’s, including yours and other posters in this thread.
A priest cannot avert being kidnapped by a DK, while every other healer can.
That’s a balance issue, that’s been confirmed by all, including you.
Post your reflex
I wanna see you do sub 20 mil games at 2200 mmr and wonder why you got kicked
I did 12 million in half a team fight before I was kidnapped in the OP images.
Imagine if I was there the whole team fight, or not in the corner of the map for the next 14 minutes?
And you just got caught lying saying I have no enchants or gems.
https ://ibb.co/RvHScR8
https ://ibb.co/Gsv8fzH
https ://ibb.co/RvR7jVY
https ://ibb.co/jzMmNkY
You know check pvp exists? Instead of stupidly saying pOSt oN yOuR mAiN you can just look for yourself
Post your games when you’re not getting kidnapped
seems like a skill issue. its a team game. cant other classes help counter this like blessing of freedom?
In previous expansions you could gfade feather out of a blood DK, especially with goblin rocket jump (this made escaping a kidnap trivial for goblin priests, and doable on a non-goblin priest if you gfaded after the grip with feather macro).
In Shadowlands, you would equip your leggo ring if the enemy team had a blood DK (Flarkness did this a lot in Shadowlands), with two charge Leap of Faith (allowing you to grip yourself twice back to your teammates).
Priests no longer have gfade, nor do they have a leggo ring to grip themselves to the team.
Every other healing class can avert a kidnap with their current toolset.
Which means a priest is a team liability in a Blood DK meta, since it requires two dps to rescue the healer.
This means the enemy team has three healers and one more dps in teamfight, while the other team has two healers and two less dps in teamfight.
Essentially they trade a blood dk for a healer and two dps. By the time the blood DK is dead, the Blood DK’s team has secured the Battleground Objective.
Dude just post your match history
Dude, thanks for confirming the thread, that priests are a liability to their team.
How small is it
I won’t laugh I promise
Again, thanks for confirming the thread.
I’ve touched 40m on my disc priest
how high can you reach
Good for you, thanks for confirming the thread.
God this thread was a roller coaster
Thanks for the evening entertainment
I’m off, have a good night Trainmeplz <3