The Kidnap Meta: Blood DK's Removing Priests from Rated BGs at 2300+MMR

Blood DKs get a shorter cooldown on grip

yea that too kek

Iā€™m still waiting for you to tell me how a priest can escape this alone.

You donā€™t

Itā€™s a team game

You really are thick. Literally been telling you this whole time that your friends should be helping you instead of leaving you to get kidnapped and you somehow took that is you should be getting out of it alone?

So you think itā€™s balanced that every other healer can escape this alone, but not a priest?

Why should a team carry the burden of babysitting a priest, when a Dragon, MW or rsham will suffice in the throughput category?

There are still other priests in the top 100, if itā€™s as common as you say it is why can they deal with it but you canā€™t

I play a priest

I like that it forces teamplay

I wish more things promoted team play

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Donā€™t know, just started playing this expansion four days ago.

Iā€™ve noticed thereā€™s zero priests in rbgs other than me at the moment.

Maybe it took time for Blood to become the Meta.

Current healing meta is rsham + two dragons, or MW + 2 dragons.

From what I was told (and warned of) that priests are liability against Blood DK this expansion, and blood DK is the meta tank right now.

They are, but good priests still find teams for the cooldowns

Whether or not this is true.

A priest is a liability, that is easily avoided by not having one.

Honestly, it seems like you got benched for doing no healing

How do you heal when youā€™re in the corner of the map for 15 minutes?

idk but maybe crying louder would help

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Four games in nine, over three hours, this happened.

Do you have reflex

Iā€™m glad you all admitted that a priest has no ability to avert this.

The thread is proven by your own responses.

Thank you.

Do you have reflex the addon

I bet you right now

If you posted your reflex

there isnā€™t a single game you broke 30 mil

Let me see your Healer or Dps main please.

On video.

Homie everyone in this thread has played with me

Post your reflex (Iā€™ll post mine)

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