TL:DR - Khonsu has been dumb since the start, first with not rewarding Runes and now purposefully hurting his opponents with nerfs? Please fix him back into the honorable bird man he is meant to be. Otherwise, the dude is pretty dishonorable and a hypocrite at this point…
So was recently discovered we can wear our, warriors, shades permanently without having to equip them by defeating Khonsu 17 times… in a row. While that’s pretty cool on paper it’s incredibly annoying and in practice dumb. I have some complaints.
Firstly, why the heck did you deem it important to make it 17 wins in a row? The hitboxes on this fight are all over the place and possibly the worst if you’re a Tauren. 17 wins in a row means zero rng happen stances on top of not getting hit once with basically anything then praying you have enough HP just to live unless you run Victory Rush and use it off c/d at every chance.
Because why are we getting nerfed?! The challenge already one shots us but now you’re nerfing people for being geared on top of it? Or it doesn’t even matter because I went in with no chest piece or weapons and still got slammed with a Nerf. My critical execute at max rage with a 5 rage discount did 3.5k which is 700+ damage lower than what it should be. That’s not a minor dps loss for something I need to rush down.
Then just to add a cherry on top you reduce our armor (or make him hit harder take your pick) while reducing our HP by over 1k! This isn’t just a nerf it’s a gutting of a warrior to just be even weaker than they already are. Making progress and achievement meaningless in this category when it’s just supposed to be something fun to be obtained. And because I didn’t notice this the first time, he not only shaves off over 1k hp, he makes you start at half HP then. JUST WHY!? Do I need to pop c/d’s for healing as soon as the fight starts just to make it an even playing field??
If this happened when I got to the 16th win, trying to achieve #17 (and no longer losing all my stacks) I’d be fine. Because then the debuff would be a progression LIKE HOW MOST GAMES TREAT IT. Instead of just getting hit with a Nerf just because. It doesn’t make a lick of sense and makes it better to do these things before or when you get .5 gear!
Found out as well, that thing warriors do as a tier set, stance dancing? Ye hope you like getting punished for that. You lose around 700 hp when swapping stances. You know that thing YOUR TIER SET IS DESIGNED AROUND! Why?! Why is this fight so punishing for just PLAYING A WARRIOR!?
Please, make it so that the astral victories no longer get removed on a defeat. We already have to challenge this guy 17 times just to get a cosmetic of wearing sunglasses. That, let’s face it, we don’t get to do unless we’re AFK at a capital. This is the whole point of doing this so we can actively wear the sunglasses but losing just one time completely ruins this chance. Makes it more frustrating because why would you make it 17 times in a row for a cosmetic? 5, fine, sure, WHATEVER, but 17 times is just someone HATING warriors. The defeat is just soul-crushing no matter the progression made. And, if you can, stop nerfing warriors for something that’s meant to be a fun challenge where you can also feel yourself progressing when getting loot. Instead of a ‘How dare you get loot! how dare you better yourself! NERF!’