The kelfin love/allied race discussion thread ✿

I think we’ll see Kelfin some day.

Just have to keep hope and requesting.


Hopefully they don’t merely remain npcs hanging outside orgrimmar. They would be great candidates to make a return in similar fashion maghar and Dark irons did.



They did say there might be more AR’s in the future, just not during SL release.

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I am working on some outfits and custom options for the seen gilblin model. I am trying to make several properly done ear and fin shapes and well as some outfit pieces. Its going well so far. I will post an update sometime soon. Right now the model is mostly done and polished, but I am making outfit pieces and other custom options.

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I haven’t been able to find any yet. That said I don’t always remember the names so I might be missing some if they’re named and hanging around somewhere.

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I am gonna theorize that we may not see any in the current zones yet, maybe we will see a zone for aquatic mortals and they will be there.

In a later patch that is.

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Surely some would make good ferrymen for souls, or have a warriors spirit, or be defenders of nature, or even have done some bad things.

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I will have some more interesting updates sometime soon. Working on more outfits and custom options.

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Gmomest sent me some pictures to post in his lieu, take a look.

A lovely new hairstyle for Kelfin! I really like what Gnomest has been working on with these hair styles. They’re close to things we have in game but with a Kelfin twist and theme to em. Very very nice!


I will be making a few more. The model is more a less done now, but creating some outfits and stuff that should look nice. I think this is a good hairstyle that works for them.


Lemme know if you have any suggestions for hairstyles. I will keep an open mind.

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Interesting thing I learned today. Apparently Tara Strong voices Neri Sharpfin.


Got two more pic for a new hairstyle designed by our favorite Gnome Demon Hunter Gnomest!

This one is my favorite they’ve shown me so far. (Posted with their consent).

I absolutely love this one again because its a great style similar to what we already have in game but with a unique kelfin/Gilgoblin theme and look. Beautiful.

Then we have this beauty here. A mergoblin. :stuck_out_tongue: Made by Faebelina I believe. Hairstyles and concepts for Kelfin could look so good and interesting, and artwork like this and Gnomests designs really shine.


The first two I did 100% from scratch. The mermaid goblin is neat. I wish my shaman could look like that.


:kiss: very much :kiss:

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I need some kind of hairstyle that has her hair pulled back, but something that isn’t copied from the goblin like in game. Will come up with something soon or later.


Would love to see bigger and messier hair (not only as an option for all races, but in your work as well)

While cleaner styles are still good…

Cant full post pics.


I really love hairstyles in the last one in particular. I really like the ones with braided hair and gears. Goblins kinda got the low end on customization so all these would be great ideas for goblins. Seeing as I am doing this for fun, I could try coming up with some of those sooner or later. The first one just gave me an idea. I think she needs some long bushed hair that sort of flows down and is more spread out.

@Fezzy. Can you link the images she posted openly please?


All of these are amazing ideas!


The first one in the last picture. I may try to make something like that for gilblin hair ideas. I also took note of the pearl hand bad on the last. But they could just as well work for goblins as well. I just realized. I should try to make a whole bunch more here. So far I have come up with 3 unique hairstyles. Once the other one is ready it will be posted.