The Kaminoans

Wouldn’t it be funny if the above theory were true and Sidious was oblivious to it?

More specifically wouldn’t it be funny if Lama Su was infact a backup of the Sith Emperor from SWTOR? Wouldn’t it be even funnier if he ended up acquiring Nightsister Artifacts causing a Nightsister to attempt to possess him only for him to overpower the Nightsister with his indominable will and claim the Nightsister’s power for his own?

The idea that Tenebrae would be willing to exist as a Kaminoan until he acquires access to Nightsister Magics is a hilarious thought!

His Shiny Alien Black Eyes(like that of an Alien Researcher) even resemble the Kaminoans aside from the Kaminoans having Blue Irises though that may just be Genetic Engineering to make them seem more trustworthy!

His and Sidious’s general obliviousness to each other’s identity would make for quite an amusing opening for a Star Wars Film especially if Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion discovers Sidious’s identity(via accidentally calling him a member of the strange Jedi Cult) after claiming Nightsister Magics as well as the Power he got from the Dyad and decided to randomly attack Sidious and Force Drain him to oblivion while recreating his previous bodies!

As for how Sidious would be in that position: He had a backup Clone on Exegol just in case of dying in Return of the Jedi so since he had access to the Kaminoans he should have a backup Clone on Kamino too!

I’m not familiar with the new storyline’s, but it doesn’t seem that compelling. But then that wouldn’t stop Disney further ruining the franchise… if that’s possible.

They just need to pull the plug on Star Wars. And yeah, I was a huge fan way back when. Still have my original card sets (1977 onwards) but I still wouldn’t even consider paying to watch anything from it now.