The Kaldorei Conundrum

I know that Summermoon popped up in the group associated with Calia, led there by Voss. Do we know what happened to Sira? Is she still with Sylvanas?

Yeah, Sira’s still with Sylvanas, and working with Nathanos in the upcoming novel.

Ick … of course she inexplicably is.

Well lets hope they do something even halfway meaningful with Summermoon at the very least.

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Even Delaryn’s hopelessness lines are half-baked.

    Delaryn Summermoon says: Death is… cold. Even for those who burn.
    Derek Proudmoore says: Calia, I know the pain they suffer. The hopelessness. You must do something for them.

… But you didn’t burn, Delaryn, you bled out on the beach. Heck, even Derek didn’t burn any more.

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LOL, jeezus this dialogue is so bad.

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Sira on the other hand lost her faith before she lost her life. and even Tyrande was getting on the edge by the time she resorted to the ritual of the Black Moon.

And other Night Elves that had died didn’t lose their faith and rejected the Val’kyr and their Wisps attacked the Horde player.

Some did, some didn’t.

Wait I thought Kitala was with Nathanos?

This is wrong. Humans are not machines built by god with an unchanging nature. Our behavior can vary wildly depending on social circumstance.

Warfare though is not caused by aggression or anger, but by socio-economics, which is hardly biologically in built. So the comparison is, to me, absurd. A world without war is possible, all it requires is the economic restructuring of human civilization which renders it [warfare] unnecessary.

Indeed, pretty solidly divided between the Undead Night Elves walking away, as compared to the living Night Elves who believe in Elune still.

Kitala was oddly with the Undead Night Elves that followed Calia.

That restructuring however would require dealing with Human factors that get in the way. acquisitiveness, envy, and greed.

You restructure it so that those things are actively dissuaded rather than rewarded. You realize things like selflessness, compassion, etc are also “human factors”? Humans display a wide variety of tendencies and behavior, to act like all attempts at changing the social order for the better are doomed because of our potentiality for violence, is fascist.

You’ve got the reason for the second statement right there in the first one.

The Alliance leaders aren’t less interesting by nature – they are entirely the creation of the writers.

If the writers write them as less interesting, they can’t then turn around and say the don’t want to write them because they’re less interesting. And you don’t have to make a character evil to make them interesting. Marvel does a terrific job making good characters who are interesting, as well as morally complicated characters who do both good and bad things. It’s super possible. Heck, it’s not even hard. They just have to choose to do it.


The Night Elves aren’t broken… as a player race. Things have happened to them for sure, but all that does is change the background, not their viability as player choices.

Drahliana you are a regular, you should know better than necroing 4 month old thread.


No one has ever given, to my satisfaction, a good reason why this is supposed to be an issue I should worry about .

I’ve seen her do this to a 9 month old thread before so…:confounded::confounded::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I enjoyed the cutscenes for Darkshore; to me that was an attempt to return to the roots of night elves being this wild, aggressive race, the fearsome predators of the night.

I think they went off the tracks all the way back when they decided night elves were going to be THE ELF for vanilla WoW. So they had to morph them into the wood elf and high elf lore that was popular for elves at the time, rather than letting them be their own creation as they were depicted in WC3. You can see this most especially when you compare them to the BC characterization of the “actual” high/wood elf race, the sin’dorei, in that…well, the sin’dorei are no longer that trope either. Even though WC2 lore solidly puts them as having Legolas-like rangers and Light-worshipping priests, the storylines in Outland were all about their aristocratic magical politics instead, and even the redemption of the paladins never reached back to those roots.

Especially now that Sylvanas is gone, Alleria is back, and the void elves are somewhat of a big question mark, I think they need to move that wood elf feel back into sin’dorei, or possibly ren’dorei (and quel’dorei, with the SLs customizations on the horizon? HYPE!). The War of the Thorns, whatever else it was, is a great excuse for the night elves to go well and truly feral.

I agree with what some of the other posters in here said though: I don’t think the nelves should be directing their ire at the rest of the Alliance. Internal faction strife and warfare is starting to feel really tiresome after what Sylvanas pulled. If they make a campaign like what Horde got, but more so, with players able to choose between being loyalists or not, with some different outcomes and rewards for doing so, well, MAYBE I could see the appeal of Alliance having a similar plotline of split loyalties too. I highly enjoyed played through the BFA storyline on a Forsaken character, but I wanted MORE of that kind of choice. (Also that at first, you were forced into being a bad guy; the choice between Sylvanas and Lorthremar should’ve come much earlier, because it didn’t make a whole lot of sense for anyone BUT a loyal Forsaken at first.)

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You saw some of that in “A Good War” with the signs of Kal’dorei torture of Forsaken prisoners for no reason other than revenge. Sylvannas makes this observation with approval for she is concluding that the night elves are finally starting to share her view of the world.

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