I don’t understand why they can’t just develop some good, open world content. That’s what drives this game. Get rid of phasing/sharding and develop some great zones with long, end game questlines.
I’d just like a better well defined endgame, that isn’t an endless grind followed by another grind.
I don’t like RNG.
I don’t like endless things unless i’m facing another player. (human opponent provides far more variance in a fight than any rng mechanic)
I don’t play roguelikes. (i literally went to google what rogue like is after torghast announcement)
I’m reserving my judgement about Torghast.
I want to enjoy this in wow. But the very thought of them putting a timer in it literally makes me want to puke.
There’s some ambiguity and I think the term means slightly different things to different people, which is why I wanted to make this thread.
On a very basic level, they are randomly generated dungeon crawlers. But the spice is always in how the game chains that RNG of encounters and upgrades to build a sense of discovery, progression and excitement so that it resists becoming bland, even once one knows most of the possible encounters.
Okay and all these games make pennies compared to fortnite, pubg, apex, Warzone.
Battle Royale are clearly a pvp twist on the traditional roguelike experience
Wait, that is a thing? I never got into Plants vs Zombies so I have never heard of that one. I’ll have to take a look. Actually I have been kinda getting the itch to play Rogue Legacy again now that we are all talking about these Roguelike games.
I hear they are making a sequel. 20XX is also getting a sequel which has me pretty hyped haha.
This one I have heard of but never personally played… I really should get around to that.
Torghast is actually a lot of fun, like… Murder hobo fun but a lot of fun. Right now its a pure power trip, like you get excessively powerful quickly to the point that none of the enemies are a thread but then you tun into a trap and it chunks you for absurd amounts of health. Its not tuned but man is it a fun side experience.
Yeah… I am not a fan of the idea because it really goes against what the tower feels like to begin with.
Yeah. I mean, for the longest time I feel like Roguelike expressed a game in which you have only a single life, the game is mostly randomly generated, and you start with near nothing and try to see just as far as you can go while acquiring more power as you progress. It was a game you didn’t just mindlessly blast through quickly but something you had to strategically think about because death was so easy.
The enjoyment came from pushing further and further as you got better and developed that experience from those failed attempts.
Newer Roguelikes made things easier and really built upon those concepts in a lot of fun and interesting ways.

Battle Royale are clearly a pvp twist on the traditional roguelike experience
I do see where you are going with this, and to a degree I agree. Battle Royal game do feel like PvP Roguelikes. You start with nothing and have to quickly find equipment and goods to defend yourself and kill others.
I get what you are saying with that and agree.
Honestly, I think a Battle Royal Brawl would be cool in WoW. They would have to make some MASSIVE changes to how you as a player function but I think it could be done and be fun for those who like those kinds of experiences. I get that its not everyone’s cup of tea but I think there are a few ways to make it work. I digress though.

I think a Battle Royal Brawl would be cool in WoW. They would have to make some MASSIVE changes to how you as a player function but I think it could be done and be fun for those who like those kinds of experiences. I get that its not everyone’s cup of tea but I think there are a few ways to make it work. I digress though.
It should definitely be a fluff mode for fun not something to balance around.
Check out shadow arena it is an mmorpg first attempt at a battle Royale and the whole concept of finding your abilities is so satisfying
So, and not to get too off topic, but this was always my thought on how it could be done on WoW.
- When you go in you spawn completely naked and with access to NONE of your abilities, class, race, guild, etc. You would instead have a special action bar unique to that BG.
- You then search around for equipment with equipment coming in three different qualities, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. Epic only being acquirable from loot drops.
- There would be three types of Armor, Light, Medium, and Heavy and equipping Armor would grant you 1-3 defensive abilities based on the type of armor and quality pulled from the various classes for those armor types.
- There would be several different weapon types that would grant you attacks based on what weapon it is. These attacks are pulled from the various classes that use those weapons and you would again get 1-3 attacks based on the quality and weapon type.
- The would be several different trinkets which would give “utility” moves that enhance your character in some way.
- Lastly there would be items like potions, bandages, etc.
- “Vehicles” would also exist in some capacity such as mounts and what not but unlike standard WoW mounts they have a physical presence in the world. You would see a ram sitting out in the open and you could run up and take it. They would also have their own health pools so they could be destroyed.
I think that a system like that would make for an interesting Battle Royal Brawl, though it could never be a regular BG because of how drastically it would have to change things up and how it would pretty much make race/class/gear have no effect on the experience as it would be its on separate thing.
Past that its a matter of making a map for it that is big enough.
This was my idea on how WoW could have a Battle Royal map because, honestly, a lot of classes are not balanced for Battle Royal style games. Things like Rogues and Druids would have massive advantages being able to just stealth and hide till the end of the game. Being able to literally turn invisible would be a huge issue unless severely nerfed in some capacity.
But, again, I feel like I am getting too off topic. I think it would be a fun concept for a brawl though

I’m also incredibly curious as to how large scale pvp games on fixed maps are essentially the same as dungeon crawler random level generated things…
You can drop on the same spot in a battle Royale but the path you’ll take is never exactly the same since you have to factor the 99 other people decisions.
Just think a little… both games end when you die and you start bare , run around acquiring power… Roguelike =battle Royale are honestly sibling genre if anything

Wait, that is a thing?
Something like that was, I do not remember well in English it must say something else , it was only when I enabled the whole game and this last option came out where different zombie types came out without importing order, even more it was similar to the Bloody palaces of Devil May cry Series but no bosses than a Roguelike.
I just hope it’s fun as they promise or the ones who have played the alpha.
Most rogue-likes I’ve played (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Risk of Rain 2) have some sort of soft timer on them so I was kind of expecting WoW to make the tower have one as well, otherwise you’d get people waiting for lust to be up every pull.
… I just hope they don’t do such a timer wrong.
this may sound weird…
but hear me out.
Dat is all.