The Journey to Min/Max-Class Race Differences

I am a returning WoW vet, who is seeking to create several alts in prep for The War Within. I have always desired and extracted joy from min maxing and am seeking any resources that may provide me with DPS output/rankings of different races for each class. Although likely minimal in difference I still appreciate 1-2% difference that may separate races in terms of optimization. I vaguely remember some resources being available (chart based graphs) or number comparisons; anyone know of such resources?

Resources for a release that’s still months in the future and isn’t even mature enough for a public beta?

Apologies, I meant resources in general. Can’t seem to find much besides general text descriptions on wowhead and other resources, wanted to know if there were any hard number comparison resources on S3 or resources in general that are typically continuously updated.

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That makes sense. And it sounds like you’re already familiar (in principle) of the ever-moving target which is optimization.

I don’t have any specific contribution, alas. I’m the personification of “meh, good enough.”

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