The JOKE that is Chromie Time

It’s honestly astounding that this is a thing. For those who aren’t aware, on beta, once you hit 50 during Chromie Time, you are INSTANTLY ported to stormwind/org AGAINST YOUR WILL to start SL

Is it not glaringly obvious how this is completely absurd and just plain horrible game design? THE WHOLE POINT OF CHROMIE TIME IS SO YOU CAN EXPERIENCE AN ENTIRE EXPANSION. Yet due to the poorly tuned experience values, when you’re halfway through the expansion and hit 50, tough luck, TIME FOR SL HAHAHA.

Is this serious? Is it a joke? Is it seriously intentionally supposed to be this way? What is going on in these developers minds? Why is it so hard to put a dialogue box when you hit 50 telling you you won’t gain anymore XP in old expansions, give a one-use hearthstone item to the city, SO THE PLAYER CAN DECIDE WHEN THEY WANT TO MOVE ON


Wait, I thought 50-60 was SL leveling? Is that not correct?


This post seems to come from a place of stress and frustration, I’m happy you vented your feelings but don’t think much can be said in conversation. :slight_smile:


Thanks, fixed

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It kicks u out at 50 because 50 is when shadowlands leveling begins not BFA


No problem. I was legit unsure and thought maybe I had heard wrong.

Of course I’m frustrated. I’m seeing my favorite video game turn into an oppressive on rails experience where THE ALMIGHTY BLIZZ decides how you play, not the player. THIS IS AN OPEN WORLD MMORPG. PLAYER AGENCY IS EXTEREMRLY IMPORTANT


Didnt they delay the xpac to fix bugs.

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(Commentary): Players when you hit 50 and are told to go to Stormwind go, “What the heck, Blizzard, I’m wait out in the middle of Pandaria/Broken Isles/wherever, that’ll take forever!” Players when you hit 50 and are instantly teleported to Stormwind go, “What the heck, Blizzard?! I wasn’t done yet!”


There’s no need to force players into SL just because 50 is when SL leveling starts. Chromie Time has been presented from the start as a way to experience the story of an expansion; players should have the option of experiencing the story of an expansion.


Hopefully that’ll be something they address in the bug fixes they’re intending to do.

Well I suggest feedback on the beta forums on how they can improve. For now GD will be here for you. :slight_smile:


have you tried just going back now that you are not level scaled?


You gotta be pretty damn insane to assume you can just continue to lvl 60 with old content.

I agree, it shouldn’t port you back but definitely atleast give a quest to return.

They can’t make every expansion end you at 50 with all their quest’s done, considering some expansions are bigger than others.


So far my biggest problem with Chromie Time is that this system forces me to level through Azuremyst Isle because the Portal to Darnasssus now has an arbitrary level 10 requirement.

Sorry, Blizzard, I don’t really want to spend an hour grinding in your content that hasn’t been touched since 2007.


No one is asking for that. People just want to stay at 50 and finish what they’re doing.


Yes, that’s what I agreed to.

agreed, they need to change it to that.

so much this.


You mean start Shadowlands instead of start BFA but yeah this is a giant dumb oversight and a huge design flaw.

I’m very excited for Chromie Time since I love leveling and only started playing WoW at the tail end of MoP and only started seriously playing it (as in, knowing what the hell is going on) at the end of WoD. So I’m eager to experience this past expansions fully, or as fully as I can without actual time travel, but this is such a huge oversight and it’s really disappointing.

As an aside, does anyone know if we’ll be able to queue for dungeons and raids of the expansion we choose? I really want to spank Arthas.

I hope they listen to feedback on this because it’s such an easy fix.


Chromie time should allow people to finish the story.

