Soooooo… Any chance we can close up those holes on Heroic Jailer after the 1st phase? My raiders are great at finding them and I’d rather they just not be there. Thanks for listening!
How about no.
Enough with the nerfs, the raid been nerfed into the ground.
At this point, it’s like you’re just expecting a free AOTC. Maybe bench players who keep dying to the same mechanic. Dodging the holes really isn’t that hard.
Look, what you need to do is submit a workplace safety complaint to OSHA
Big operations like Jailer Inc never do things on their own, no handrails anywhere, sharp edged objects without warning tape, its a mess honestly.
Turn it into a ballpit and just jump around while Ronald McDonalds and Colonel Sanders do the work for you
Not like they’re unwarranted. This raid has been far, far too hard across the board until recently. Hell, until these more recent nerfs I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Heroic raid miss the mark so badly in terms of how it should’ve been tuned given its intended audience.
make your raiders play better?
Some nerfs in the beginning, yes. But lately, well, Heroic doesn’t feel Heroic anymore. It’s boring, it’s cheesy, and it isn’t fun.
I can just imagine you in discord.
“Alright, the holes are not your friend! Stay away from the holes guys!”
another raider falls in the hole
Heroic (as a flex difficulty post-MoP) hasn’t ever been particularly hard apart from various points this expansion, and Sepulcher has definitely been a bit excessive as far as Heroic raids go.
Until recently, Anduin had no business being as hard as he was.
Okay but now you can kill him stupidly fast, and skip an entire phase. It’s dumb. They ruined the fight. It was hard. It caused wipes. But now? It’s just a shell of what it once was.
Not falling in the holes is actually an intended challenge of the fight.
Good. The fight absolutely sucks, across all difficulties.
If you design a boss that could’ve easily been dropped between pre-nerf Mythic Prototype Pantheon and Lihuvim - two much, much harder bosses for their place in the raid than what we had earlier this expansion - and make it the eighth boss in a Heroic raid, you’ve unconditionally failed at your job of raid tuning.
This clip from tiny toons is to this day one of my favorite things I’ve seen on TV. “Toot toot go down the hole!”
The one I posted is one of my least favorite thing because it make me cry. I loved Staley like a brother, and most of my family went the same way.