The Issues with Warrior in PvP

Warriors dont do enough damage and take too much damage. My heroic strike hits a prot paladin tank for 165 damage and he exorcism crits me for 1650. This is not a joke. PvE warrior’s good because PvE doesn’t deal with the amount of armor players stack. This is why warriors always have to run from meta locks, paladins, druids, hunters & shamans.

Arms and Fury are dead builds outside of raid in SoD.

This will not change unless world buffs are removed from raid & classes re-balanced without them.

Go Prot. Only chance you have to function outside of raid.

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Prot doesn’t save you from rogue armor pen and boomkins, or even hunters.

Jokes on you… why you attacking a PROT pally? lol


Check out Gladiator and then come back and tell us its bad.

Deep Prot with Fury talents + runes: Gladiator Stance, Shield Mastery etc…After trying all 3 specs, Glad has the best defensives to survive burst, and still can get great Shield Slam damage or Sudden Death procs (if you pass on Shockwave).

If they buffed MS I would go back to Arms but it would also need some kind of mitigation like an Ignore Pain rune.

Definitely does. Sit defensive. Swap to glad when you need to pump damage.

15 sec shield wall where you do full damage is also arguably better than paladin bubble (which is 12 sec immunity but reduces damage)

Nah. Full Prot. Fury talents means you’re not getting shield slam (which hits harder than Mortal Strike / Bloodthirst when world buffs are not part of the equation - also allows for the ZG class trinket, which is great)

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Your “full prot” might be my “deep prot”, I think we may be saying the same thing lol

I was saying most prot and leftover talents into fury for bloodcraze and enrage. Here’s my current build for Glad. What do you think?

Glad Build

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No tac mastery sucks, I like to sit in defensive and then situationally swap to glad, which means losing all rage with that build

Need to play 17/3/31 to get tac mastery (which is just a typical tank build)

But I’m sure that one is playable

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Here’s what arms warrior vs full t2 prot warrior can look like:

Arms vs prot


Damn did he even hit you with one Shield Slam or Devastate? Lol you took like no damage :sweat_smile:

Worked him tho wp!


Kefta is just built different. =)

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Warriors are fine. We scale the game based off of pve not “pvp”. They are the best class for pve so any changes would only cause issues for pve content. “PVP” Is not the main focus and a mini game you can decide to play or not play. We play for raiding not griefing. Hope you have a great day Sindoreii :people_hugging:

Yes you see warriors have a big disadvantage against armored target that other classes get to have armor pen. Sure warrior can 5 sunder their target but they will be dead unless they are prot and they still dont do any damage. Warriors need windfury, will fix them for pvp and not change pve much.

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No y’all just suck. Message me in game Tomcruze-Wildgrowth. I link you a picture of me going 32 Killing blows, 0 Deaths, and 73 HK’s. My advice is to get a healer buddy and protext each other. Warrior is not for 1v1 or solo play. QQ more.

You can do the same thing as Prot

Execute doesn’t scale with gear. It literally hits harder in glad stance & full tank gear as Prot than it does in battle/berserker as Arms.

Needing a healer to carry you to 32 kills 0 deaths isn’t the flex you think it is. Every other class is massively overtuned by comparison (except mage god bless they get to suffer for once), arms hasn’t gotten anything to help it’s awful damage output.

I’m not even critting for 1k on any class that isn’t mage.

you have no fast way to stack 5x sunders. Rogues and priests do, but not you, so automatically you do much less dmg outside of raid. A boomkin as more armor than you. It also does double your dps on a target with no armor, meaning you do like 1/4th its damage in a trade.

On a 0 armor target on PTR, a bis warrior will see a 2.5k mortal strike, maybe a 3k bloodthirst with cooldowns up. A 1.0 sec cast starfire does 10,000 and an instant 36yrd 6 sec cd starsurge does almost 3k. A boomkin with just starfall going can almost out dps your entire rotation as Arms.

You have no chance if gear and players kill are even remotely close.

boomkins, spriests, rogues, hunters, paladins, etc with pocket healers tear it up too. They do double your dps and are harder to kill.