The Ion Response

We understand you don't want sharding
We understand you don't want loot trading
We understand you don't want new spell animations
We understand you want the old quest texts
We understand you want the old UI options

...that said

We don't care and we're gonna do it however we want.
Ion loves the idea pristine server :) #NOCHANGES
I actually think the devs don't want to do it. Ythisens made a discord post where she(?) said she didn't want it, but it's a necessary evil. I don't agree it's a necessary evil (private servers have proven this). But the fact is once it's in the game, it'll never be gone from the game. The entitled players this is meant to appeal to will make sure it never is taken out.

It's something that will destroy the early the way, the formation of the community is arguably the most important time. And it's during that time in which the community will be separate and segmented. Therefore, sharding does the most damage at launch. And it's something that will seep into the game. The devs will keep pushing when to take it away. Players will say they don't want it gone. The very same Current WoW players who get to play Classic for free. But they don't want to deal with the inconveniences. If Blizzard removes those inconveniences and gives credence to that attitude at launch, which they will do if they add sharding, the flood gates are now open. Pandora's Box has been opened. That design decision will dictate the expectations of players. And not just on this issue.
One of the reasons why it bugs me is this.

If you want to try vanilla, great!
If you logged in on launch and it was too crowded for you, you can always come back.
If you don't come back, chances are you where not going to get past 10 anyhow.

So blizzard is choosing to change the dynamic of launch to appease LITERAL TOURISTS.
11/07/2018 09:18 PMPosted by Cyberwins

So blizzard is choosing to change the dynamic of launch to appease LITERAL TOURISTS.

You'll feel like a tourist too if Blizz decides to pass on launch-only sharding, opens up extra realms to handle the initial surge, and you are unfortunate enough to have chosen the one that's a ghost town once the dust has settled..
This is what disappoints me, the launch is a one time mosh of people trying to do all this beginning quest stuff and something I was actually hoping to see at first when Classic launches. I completely understand why their position is what it is but the only part I agree with is possibly saving the servers from crashing. If people can't stand the wait for mobs or quest items then they can wait the few days or a week, or whatever, until it clears up. If anything, I'd hope for at least a handful of shardless beginning servers, if possible, and just let people have the option and let whatever happens to those servers at launch happen.

This is a one time launch of Classic servers. At least TRY to give some of us a 'shardless beginning zones' server. Some of us were looking forward to the party and waiting around watching everyone struggle at first. That's what makes it feel like a world, not a race out of the starting areas. You're fighting over the same stuff, even at first, and have to work around EVERYONE.
Oh look, another garbage post.
11/07/2018 09:18 PMPosted by Cyberwins
One of the reasons why it bugs me is this.

If you want to try vanilla, great!
If you logged in on launch and it was too crowded for you, you can always come back.
If you don't come back, chances are you where not going to get past 10 anyhow.

So blizzard is choosing to change the dynamic of launch to appease LITERAL TOURISTS.

I have to admit I think sharding is necessary but this i get and agree with this point too =/
Did I miss something? Was there something else sad about it in the last couple days? If so link?
Wait what's this about not having original quests text ?
I don't remember reading anything about that.
Sharding is a deal breaker for a vast majority of vanilla enthusiasts. IF they're going to put in sharding they may as well cancel the project altogether.
Sharding? Yes, that has to go. That technology wasn't even a thing in 2006. Its presence changes the classic experience. Today's computers and bandwidth can handle a large number of players characters in a small space. Nost was able to handle 15K concurrent users on their one server using their emulator tech.

Loot trading? I have no problems with this. It's not going to change the experience. In fact, like Ion said, it'll streamline mistakes and prevents !@#$ing ninjas from stealing items. I think that's fine.

New spell animations? No. Keep the original spell animations as is. No changes.

Old quest texts? I don't understand the complaint here. The quest text looks the same to me. I looked up several of the quests on archived versions of THOTTBOT from 2006 and the text, rewards, and XP is the same. For example, the Horde quest Stolen Silver at Crossroads has all that plus the correct quest giver. The only thing that's slightly different is the coin reward. According to THOTT, in 2006 you got 10 Silver. In the classic demo, you get 110 silver. Reference:

Old UI options? I don't have a problem here. I prefer the newer UI as it is much easier to read on 4K screens. I'm confident the old UI would be too small for large modern displays.

As a veteran vanilla WOW player, the classic demo looks and plays for the most part like vanilla from 2006 and on Nost. I'd say at least 95-97% there. I'm not going to %^-*! because Blizzard made tweaks here and there to get the game running. I'm just glad they did it!

My biggest complaint would be the sharding. I personally think it should not be in the starting area at launch or anywhere. As stated before, technology today can handle the load. Instead, I prefer Blizzard cap each realm at 2500, like the original experience.
11/07/2018 10:07 PMPosted by Rush
Sharding is a deal breaker for a vast majority of vanilla enthusiasts. IF they're going to put in sharding they may as well cancel the project altogether.

Light's Hope caused mobs to INSTANTLY spawn on launch day when they died because of dynamic respawns. Im pretty sure that breaks immersion more than sharding to make launch playable. That server is the best private server.
11/07/2018 08:46 PMPosted by Spirals
We understand you want the old UI options

Dunno about what you want but i surely do want the new UI. Old one is a burning pile of crap. Functional only for single player experience.
11/07/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Abada
11/07/2018 09:18 PMPosted by Cyberwins

So blizzard is choosing to change the dynamic of launch to appease LITERAL TOURISTS.

You'll feel like a tourist too if Blizz decides to pass on launch-only sharding, opens up extra realms to handle the initial surge, and you are unfortunate enough to have chosen the one that's a ghost town once the dust has settled..

And what if it doesn't die and they are forced to shard your realm forever?

Imo just make realms like Illidan 1 illidan 2 illidan 3 and if they die down, merge them. If they don't, leave them. Allow only one name to be taken across all 3 so no one has to name change when they merge. Just a thought.
11/07/2018 10:06 PMPosted by Desmonda
Wait what's this about not having original quests text ?
I don't remember reading anything about that.

Im not %100 sure but i think they may mean font, heard some discussion about the font being slightly different?
The font was different in the demo
11/07/2018 08:46 PMPosted by Spirals
We don't care and we're gonna do it however we want.

Well these days corporations aren't interested in keeping customers they are more interested in attracting new ones.
I am also hoping to avoid sharding. While I understand it is "Only in the starting zones", I don't trust blizzard to not be tempted to put it in other places where there are population "problems".

I don't mind the problems; to me, those problems, and how we cope with them as players and as a community IS Vanilla. It leads to people getting inventive and finding ways around it. Everyone goes to check out the video where the guy did some crazy thing to get around it.

Not only that, but if certain servers are too busy, it forces the impatient players to spread out over other servers - that creates "ghost servers" you say? There are ghost servers in retail - that will be an inevitability. So what, some people like the smaller population.

I strongly believe all these problems are part of it, and coping with them together is what builds the bonds that retail lacks - I hope they don't add these conveniences. If they do, I will still play, but it will be disappointing
11/07/2018 08:46 PMPosted by Spirals
We understand you don't want sharding

You think you don't, but you do!