The interface is unusable

Why did you hide all the action bars and make us scroll through them to find the action we want to perform. Bad design, bad for combat bad, bad, bad.
I’ve been play WOW for at least 20 years and this change, putting the action bars and the side Item bars in the same place and forcing us to scroll to find our spells, our actions, our balms is a totally POS change. After playing this game for 20 years, I am seriously considering leaving it. And I bet I’m not alone. This is the pits and totally screwed the pooch on this design change. I give you 2 weeks to fix or else I’m gone and you can refund my subscription.

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Dramatic much? It’s just a bug. Go into Edit Mode and re-enable the extra action bars.



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Options > Action Bars…click boxes


Go to the options and check the extra action bars just like you would do with a new character the last 20 years.