The incredibly bad impact m+ had on pvp

Most people agree things were good in wod.

But something happened in legion when every class in the game got 8 cc’s/stops and also when every class got way more burst for the bosses. and it conviently lined up with the implementation of m+ into the game.

In this new m+ mode you can never let any mob cast ever or you’ll be 1 shot and instead of just making the mobs abide by the same interupt lockout as players they instead made them instantly recast upon getting interupted.

So to compensate for the sheer amount of stops and cc’s you would need to make the dungeon even playable which was due to bad dungeon design instead of class design they gave every class in the game 8 stops.

And ever since in the m+ meta the classes with the least amount of cc to spam on every add pack have fallen down the ladder.

And this has trickled into pvp where in you can be locked out of the game for 15 seconds straight or longer and probably be deleted in half that time frame or someone else be deleted its nice.

Just thought i would let you know that m+ is the reason there is so much cc bloat in this game and why you can barely play.


Mobs don’t generally recast when kicked or cc’d on an ability.


In the first 2 packs of algethar on the way to vexamus you need at least 2 interupts or more and probably 3 hard stops for the slashes.

Thats on 1 trash pack alone btw.

Yes right now. the classes who have the most stops and burst damage or damage in general aka dh usually are meta.

I don’t use my interrupts in arena. It doesn’t help my DPS and just screws up my rotation. I’m usually #1 damage in Shuffle. People are always impressed and tell me I’m dope or bad. So cool or a baddie (which I understand to be a compliment?) “I say look nerds, this is basically a Patchwerk fight for me, full send”.


wierd take from guy who exploited leavin shuffles to his highest rating n openly bragged about it on forum

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There was pruning in both of these xpacs and bfa. The unpruning that people typically refer to as “micro cc” ALL came about in dragonflight (some slands) and was exactly what people asked for in the form of unrpuning abilities.

Okay like I don’t do world first key pushes or anything, but I can get pretty high up there, but.

Have you ever actually played a key thats even above the bare minimum for KSM? You don’t have a single class that has that many stops. Collectively you can maybe scrap together 10, but you’ll be using long CDs for that.

Havoc has next to no CC and has always been a competitive option. Same with rogues (aoe CCs mind you). Warriors have their times, rets too.

The good specs are the ones that have rotating CDs for heavy burst phases that can also cleave very hard for mass pulls. This is where things like destro, ret, fire all succeed in M+, and get further amped by spri/aug because they can just giga buff them.

Nah. You just suck. Micro CC was always in the game, CC in general used to be worse. Now it just feels bad to be micro CCed because the game is about doing the most DPS humanly possible while also creating good setups/control. Being micro’ed impacts your ability to do this.


Vengeance dh has a lot.

So does evoker and mage.

Turns out all of those have been meta all xpac.

If you meant do i play those classes no i dont.

I don’t know many people with this opinion if they played it

Caster pack on Vdh is the only thing I can think of and that’s only what, 5? Dbl sigil of fear, dbl sigil of silence, chaos nova. All in all only every few minutes too



If you ain’t first your last.

And i got keystone hero in mutliple dungeons last season actually.

And i have brackenhide and azure vaults hero this season to.

WoD gets a lot of hate but I think people enjoyed the pvp yeah? I know I did.

Rogue having rng stun poison was the best shiete ever

And yet Feral Druids are still stuck in 2004 as if nothing changed.

I’m so glad all those vengeance DHs are spamming 3s right now making our games unplayable!

Evokers have long CDs! Mages also really don’t have as much CC as you think, as for m+ it pretty muh relies solely on breath & blast wave. Of which, I don’t see many mages playing blast wave in arena :x

In fact, I think the most insane chain for M+ I’ve ever seen was the enhance/fire/spri meta where they had a grand total of 7 stops between the DPS, and everything else came down to the Vengeance DH to stop. (pre sigils buff btw)

You clearly don’t play my brother.

My biggest pet peeve in pvp. Definitely too much cc/stop bloat.

Arena had just as much of a negative impact on pvp as m+.

Not going to regurgitate the same hunter nonsense, but that’s just one example of a spec needing help in arena but is over the top in every other form of pvp content.

Only conclusion is someone higher up at Blizzard is playing a hunter, and he probably leads a premade stomping on everyone.

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The more I think about it the more WoD comes closer to being my favourite expansion