The inconvenience of area targeted spells

I believe alt does what @player does, not home to confirm though.

I think an @target is fine, honestly if you give trap time to set up then it’s a moot point in pvp (0.5 sec maybe? Dunno spitballing here). With ping it may mean that a moving target would be out of radius when it was done setting up if you used @target but the option is there for everything else.

Being able to pace domes and traps in strategic locations is really where the power of those abilities lies anyway. Trap a tight hallway or ramp and they are hard to move around.


However, it really just devolves pretty much all aoe into a mechanically different but functionally identical seed of corruption/living bomb/etc.

No you’re not. The mechanic has always made me shy away from classes and/or spells that require it. It worked fine for my DK when I was content to let it center on my alt, but otherwise…no mas.

Isn’t every single melee ability without a cast time just a mechanically different but functionally identical seed of one another?

To me it’s the interaction with the rotation, audio and visual effect, and overall fluidity of gameplay I’m trying to advocate for.

I mean, yeh sorta everything is very similar. I’ve paired elsewhere about how I set up my hot bars to be functionally the same across all my toons. It’s very easy to class hop and play effectively because of that.

In play this really only impacts high aoe environments or when ST rotations are poorly tuned and include the use of these aoe spells. Otherwise it’s a minimal gameplay impacting change imho.

It’s a QoL improvement I don’t disagree with having around, but I can see where concern of homogenization is a valid counter argument from the devs standpoint. At that point, it’s like a divine storm if it has instant procs or maybe a channeled aoe like hellfire.

Not disagreeing, just bringing another counterpoint besides pvp balance. If one ability is stopping them from making the game more approachable to people with physical difficulty targeting, that ability needs to be reworked.

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I’m confused. Why not just make an @cursor macro and bind it to something easily hit that way you just have to hit the button and position your cursor correctly? I don’t see that as inconvenient at all.

I definitely appreciate that you don’t find it inconvenient but some of us definitely do!

I personally play the game with my right mouse button clicked down permanently while I use the a w and d keys to provide fluid mobility.

For me to have to position my mouse correctly prior to casting the spell in the correct location is much more difficult than for someone who doesn’t use their mouse to move or turn their character.

And yes, I could re-learn how to move entirely with the keyboard, or a small macro additional could enable more ways to play the game more enjoyably without taking away from the experience of anyone else.

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Has this been reversed? I’m at the office atm, so I am unable to test it myself.

From my understanding, no. This is still the case because people were using it in competitive PvP to land traps without actually performing the skill shot.

The intent behind those macros was a “clever use of game mechanics”. Not something Blizzard ever intended. So yeah, you can’t use an @target macro for cursor spells because Blizzard actively wants you to use the mouse.


I made a post about it in CC when they “fixed” it because it felt like having something we desperately needed yanked out from under us:

I bumped it once because they keep adding more and more reticle spells on beta. I genuinely can’t play demonology warlock how I want to because it would require 3-4 targeting reticles now. :confused:

Dirtypawz even chimed in that he’d like it because it would help him and other VI players play.

It’s literally an accessibility issue and I’m genuinely ashamed that Blizzard’s accessibility team is letting it go unfixed.

No one wants the targeting feature to be removed, just give us the option of using @target. (An example I give is Landslide from Evokers - if someone manually targets with it, they can pretty much guarantee hitting 3-4 targets. But if they use an @target macro, they might just hit 1. It’ll always be more optimal to target, but the option should be there.)

Disable it in PvP if necessary until you can target specific spells where it would be a problem in PvP. But there’s no reason to not have it in PvE.

(I still haven’t seen anyone mention any PvP exploits with it though, just “FREEZING TRAP WOULD BE BROKEN” - No? There’s travel time. If they’re far enough way that an @player macro wouldn’t hit them, it wouldn’t give any extra bonus. On top of that, Monk Paralysis, Demon Hunter Imprison, etc. don’t require targeting and do the same thing.)

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I use a combination of WASD and holding my right mouse to move, so I understand why you might think this inconvenient, but the point behind @cursor macros is to require one less input to make your life easier and make it so placing a spell is easier. While I get you might not see it that way, having one less input might be all you really need.

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Darn, guess it is probably for the best that I didn’t get to enjoy them for that small amount of time, or I would miss it.

It would be nice to get /@target to work in in pve and just disable it in pvp.

While I love destro lock I despise trying to target RoF as a gnome. My camera angle doesn’t have enough height to be able to see the ground properly unless I angle it from above and due to having stigmatism I have always had a hard time judging distances properly in game (they are far different from the same approximate distance in real life as everything is warped.)

Alternatively add a talent that allows use to use it like we have for sigils on a DH.

The best I’ve found is to /cast @ cursor and use the cursor tail addon with the feature to show it even when the cursor normally disappears. I still have problems but its the best I can do on ranged characters. On melee characters /cast @player seems to work fin for most things.

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Either that or download the ultimate mouse cursor tracker from wago for weakauras, which in my opinion, is amazing. I can’t play without it now that I have it.

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Sadly not the case for everyone. My shaky hands are the problem, just bringing the mouse to it is a problem. I’ve mastered getting the mouse to action bar spots over the years cause they’re always in the same spot, but target circles would change every time.

Then there’s Visually Impaired players and players with hands that jerk around, etc.

Thank you for the increased awareness on how the community has reacted to this issue over time.

I genuinely hope they are able to implement this change ASAP to accommodate accessibility of the game.

And only last half the duration. You can’t forget that component. If you wanna cut trap duration in half, then fine, make it a targeted ability.

I knew plenty of hunters who had never been above 1800 in their life, figured out this works, and then got 1800 in a flash because they no longer had to actually aim their trap. Some of them pushed above 2k because suddenly the point behind the ability no longer existed.

Yes, this is busted, and should not exist.

It was a bug. In order for the @target to work you had to assign a modifier to the macro – Ctrl, alt, shift – that matched your in game self cast modifier or it wouldn’t work.

You already have this option through macros.

You can do that now. If you want to drop death and decay centered on yourself you use:

/Cast [@player] death and decay

It doesn’t work for ranged unfortunately

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