The implications of the Man'ari being in the Alliance

It’s not a matter of numbers, it’s a matter of intelligence and experience.

Intelligence and experience will ALWAYS beat your numbers.

Who in the Horde has more experience and more intelligence than the Man’ari? The tauren who were wiped out by the Centaur? The trolls who were wiped out by the Kul Tirans? The orcs who got locked up by the humans? Hm?

You know what’s funny? You people constantly bash the Alliance for taking in world-destroyers, but now you act like the Man’ari destroying worlds isn’t impressive.

The Man’ari can destroy worlds but they can’t lead the Alliance to victory against the Horde? Sure, sure.

Didnt we just go through how they lost when they even had an infinite army?

God you are daft lol.

Tauren weren’t wiped out by the Centaurs… notice all the Taurens still alive.

Trolls weren’t wiped out by Kul Tiran (Thats cute you thought Kul Tiran beat over 7 huge tribes of trolls)

Orcs got locked up by humans… interesting… I see your jailed Orcs and raise you the rest of the Orcs including the Mag’har.

Edit: just realized in your ramblings you asked who in the Horde is more intelligent than the Man’ari? Baine, unlike the Man’ari, he quit following a leader that inevitably would have lead to the Hordes destruction. Man’ari kept following orders without batting an eye…

Don’t forget, they handily took over that ice rock that maybe has some worms on it.

One of the alliance cosmetics is available in red now. So what?


Except, that’s not what happened.

Archimonde did not fall for Sargeras’ lies. He intentionally joined Sargeras to gain more power. He only cared about power.

Kil’jaeden did not fall for Sargeras’ lies. He knew what Sargeras was all about, but he also believe that opposing Sargeras was futile, as he literally tells Velen.

Meanwhile, Ner’zhul, considered to be the most intelligent orc in history (the bar is in a ditch), was corrupted by some ghost who was actually Kil’jaeden. :rofl:

To be fair… we already had the Draenei and the Vindicaar since Legion, the only reason we didn’t Independence Day Orgrimmar from orbit in BFA was cause Velen straight up commits mutiny by refusing to enter the 4th war.

Literally only one faction on Azeroth has orbit to land capabilities, as well as working higher technology thanks to Gnomes and Draenei combined. Not to mention Dwarves who understand to a degree Titan tech.

The Alliance already should have annihilated the Horde in the last two wars but didn’t because fanboyism, that won’t change just because the Alliance got more magitek space-faring aliens.

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You know, a race/faction isn’t a monolith that all think and act exactly alike. How many of those Man’ari were forced against their will? You might try to say they acted aggressive on their own, but was that something they chose or something the fel addiction caused? The same fel addiction that was forced on them.

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When the Horde invades again, they will forget all that and will be outwitted by the next Horde villain who in turn will become super smart.

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We basically killed off all the important Man’ari. All their leaders, commanders, elite troops are dead.

What’s left is a like a bunch of inexperienced reserves, cannon fodder and children.(Interchangeable) The only part of intergalactic warfare they saw was probably digging the latrines and scraping felhound poop on every occupied planet by the Burning Legion.

If even the “All their leaders, commanders, elite troop” couldn’t win against the Horde, you’d really think they could?

That’s easy to do with a dark titan, armada of intergalactic space ships and an infinite demon army at your disposal

Last time I checked the allianc doesn’t have that

horde is already dead don’t worry, the alliance won two wars and besieged orgrimmar twice, the horde only exists at the mercy of alliance, they literally lost all fronts in bfa, not even durotar is all theirs

and why only man’ari? the draeneis have vindicaara whole space ship and are the most advanced civilization in the world

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What if the cunning ruthless Man’ari is being piloted by an aging, tired, half-blind human who just wants to relax and have fun after work?

Also, there isn’t even any Alliance vs Horde right now for any of this to matter is there?

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Yeah, where was all that tactical genius when a rag tag bunch of adventures showed up on their door.

They should have been a proper Allied race and neutral.

I want to play as a power hungry warlock one but that doesn’t fit the Alliance…

You mean the guys who failed not one, not two, but three invasions of Azeroth?

They failed to overtake Azeroth thanks to the shared efforts of its denizens — Which includes that “little Horde”

  • That being said, it’s not like the ENTIRETY of the Man’ari / Eredar joined the Alliance – There’s probably still masses out there either plotting the Legion’s revival, satisfying their personal appetitions or simply seeking out their own infernal ambitions.

Mind you, the most successful invasion the Legion had, came from the shared efforts of Horde races too, so … :person_shrugging: Yeah.

From the fel-saturated bows of the twisting nether, Gul’dan sent his regards – He said Varian his soul-shard sent it too before consumed it. :slight_smile:

Remember when you said

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The Penitent are a small faction of the Man’ari. Can’t believe that wasn’t mentioned yet.

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