The impact of Teldrassil

This is where my guild made their new home, but not really because of it’s druidism… We are more of a Sisterhood/Sentinel Guild.

We chose it for it’s symbolism. A place once thriving that fell into ashy desolation, then by the means of tragedy (The Cataclysm), was reborn like a verdant and floral phoenix.

“Here, in this arid land, our people will rise from the dunes of ash and bone dust… The fires of Teldrassil was not our funeral pyre, it was the forge that tempered our soft hearts into steel. The Blood of the Horde will be our quenching waters.”

The symbolism of it was probably what kept us RPing through this painful story.


I will reply as an NE fan, (I know I’m a Hordie but I have 3 nelf characters and only one troll character despite trolls being my favorite race so I think I can speak on this even

I’d say a revamped Hyjal. It will never happen because “It’d cost a raid tier” but a guy can dream.


These two are not mutually exclusive. There’s being upset about Teldrassil, and then there’s being annoying about Teldrassil. I have seen more Night Elf fans express their grievances in more mature and less spammy ways than Elesana.

Nice try though, but be careful not to break something falling off your high horse.


I don’t think you’ve the right to beat down Elesana, the only perceived problem that she exhibits, on your part, is her wont to actually have a meaningful discussion about such a topic because, rightfully, it’s a very big lapse in judgement; egregious planning involved for the entire thing.

You do have the right to complain, but if you’ve find yourself in such distaste, then I recommend you do the better thing and simply desist from partaking in such threads whose OP makes you angry as it detracts and derails from the conversations about the topic, involved.

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The sad thing is, I don’t think it would even take this much.

Just show to the Alliance that the Horde is something different this time - rather than having Jaina say it’s different while stroking Thrall’s biceps but nothing actually changes, except that Tyrande starts getting the hallmarks of a villain for not agreeing. .

Leave the Horde player out of it if they want, but have the Horde take some steps to show that they really mean this apology and it won’t happen again, for real this time. Have them tell/show the Alliance player how Sylvanas loyalists are being rounded up in Orgrimmar, soft-retcon the specific characters who participated in the Burning to be those Sylvanas loyalists and have some of the worst ones either executed or handed over to the Alliance (or first one, then the other, if the Horde wants to keep law enforcement entirely internal), show them leaving Ashenvale (with a line to the Horde player about how they couldn’t hold it anyway and this’ll keep the night elf forces busy, if they don’t want to force all Horde players to be in on the peacemaking), Have Hamuul lead some Horde-leaning CC druids in aiding the regrowth of blighted areas, etc.

Even if these weren’t shown in game, just saying they happened through text (or even, urgh, a tweet) would go a long ways towards smoothing things over.


Please no more lore delivered over twitter.
You know we should maybe stop those horribly stupid books too.

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I’m not fond of important information solely appearing in a book and not in game. I really dislike important information being conveyed only by a tweet. But I prefer them to getting absolutely nothing, though.


No offense, but please do not tell me what I have the right to do. Elesana has legitimate grievances, but she expresses them in such a way that they become detracting. If I want to criticize her harshly for doing so over an extended period of time, I have every right to do so.

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I wouldn’t be opposed to the Horde offering up some reparations. You’re right, the Horde ceding back land in Ashenvale (maybe in return for the Alliance to leave the Barrens / Dustwallow) and allowing more NE movement into, say, Stonetalon wouldn’t bug me at all. The Horde offering land, or aid, would lend itself much more to a genuine effort to end was has been decade after decade of war with periodic breaks of peace.


It’s not an invisible wall, the location has literally been removed from the map and replaced with a matte painting.

We did not lose this war. I am totally against any Horde concession without something given in return for the blood we spilled. The Night Elves have no right to land that they can not hold by force of arms. If we give them Ashenvale, the Night Elves and the Alliance should remove all presence from the Barrens, Dustwallow Marsh, and Feralas.

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You do know what a peace offering is yes? If the Horde has even half a brain ceding Night Elf land back to them would be the least of what they would do to make amends whether they lost the war or not.


yea, plus remember what happened when we ceded azshara? they used all the timber for the war effort then teldrassil happened.

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We have no idea what the current state of Ashenvale is like. We don’t know if the Horde is entrenched and going about business as usual on one end of the spectrum, or if Night Warrior Tyrande has already thrown all their heads into moonwells on the other.

Personally, my ideal would be for the remaining troops in Ashenvale to be all Sylvanas loyalists who reject the current Horde, so the Alliance can beat them up while the Horde can officially cede any claim to the land as a gesture of goodwill (while also cynically saying to themselves that they couldn’t hold it anyway so they’re at least getting some diplomacy points from it).


Judging from all the posts on Teldrassil, it had a big payoff. You can see how strongly players feel about it on both sides. Player advocacy is what they were looking for in BoA and was exactly how they marketed it (choose your side…). Teldrassil worked. It’s done its job.

On to the next…


The ingame state of Ashenvale is that it’s been through the wringer. There literally is nothing left to do to Ashenvale that either the Cataclysm or the Horde hasn’t done to it already. Certainly not with anything of the impact of taking out Teldrassil, especially since the Developers were going to balance it by taking out an equivalent Horde zone as well.

Thats not what a story payoff.
What you are talking about is marketing.


Uh, yeah ya did, boyo.

You lost in Darkshore, you lost in Arathi, an army marched on your Capital, your own leader renounced you and fled as a fugitive. Your Government has been completely restructured, the Horde lost the 4th War… A war in which they performed horrific war crimes, in fact kicked it off with one of the most significant genocides in Azeroth’s history.

The Horde lost… but what is even worse about what you just said, you shouldn’t have wanted the Horde to win in the first place.

The irony of this is that it is coming from someone who plays the race that is a stereotypic caricature of First Nations People.


This is true, even as a Horde main til the day I die. You can make the argument that the bulk of the Horde’s fighting forces still exist, but to the point I made above, if the Horde didn’t cede anything to make peace, then what would motivate the Alliance to stop fighting? As Akiyass said, canon wise, the Horde already lost ground on multiple fronts. If the Horde didn’t make peace, what would prevent us from losing a protracted war of attrition Eastern Front WWII style?

I think a trade of Ashenvale and some ground in Stonetalon for the Barrens and Dustwallow would be an amicable enough way to settle the war. An Armistice is just and end to open hostility, there’s no promise the war wouldn’t flare up again, especially considering Tyrande is still out for blood, and Greymane has her back.

Let’s face it. I mean does any of it make sense anymore? Pandaria, Garrosh traveling back in time to Warlords of Draenor where a new Gul’dan ends up bringing the Legion to the Broken Shores while Sylvanas has been playing us since WoTLK and rips the sky open to reveal the Shadowlands? Marketing is all there is now.

EDIT: Sorry, I guess I’m just feeling cynical today…