The impact of Teldrassil

If there was an ecology on Kalidar, it was completely supplanted, literally buried by the World Tree. The Tree’s ecology was an artificial one, created by Fandral and his Druids.

I was never a GoT fan but I heard about the ending and watched two of the episodes of the final season and I thought: “This is what people found so great?” and then saw the fan reaction and was like: “Okay, good.” but…Wow…I miss Neilson


We don’t really know what happened, but I think it more likely that the druids would relocate an existing ecosystem than create a new one-which we don’t even know is possible or is more of an effort to do.

It would be even simpler if there was already one and it simply ascended with the tree.

One example isn’t a trend. It’s just one example. A single sentinel’s survival shouldn’t be taken to mean “every minor NPC, every vendor, every class trainer, every quest giver might now have survived”. I’d be more inclined to agree with you if we saw all the sentinels from the Temple survive.

But even then, we know the sentinels are part of the military. We know the night elves military was mostly occupied sailing to Silithus. Those left behind took part in fighting the Horde or evacuating Teldrassil. Seeing sentinel survivors is pretty expected, compared to civilians. IIRC, all that were left on the tree were civilians.

I didn’t say that. What I said is that Blizzard will continue to write night elf lore and within that, can keep adding survivors, which if done infinitely, would reach a threshold limit.
If not military, I can think of Mordent Evenshade, the priestess at the altar and a few others like Shadowglen keepers.

Another example I can think of is Admiral Rogers, who survived SS. (Or did she?) Maybe Calia did too.

My point was mostly countering Drahliana saying all the NPCs are definitely dead and should be presumed so, which I find no reason to presume.

We know what happened to Callia she survived to the end of the BFA story arc.

Eh. I’m gonna step back. The basic argument boils down to one of us thinking Blizzard could bring back minor NPCs, the other being a complete pessimist jerkface and doubting the devs even remember those NPCs existed, let alone ever consider bringing them back.

Maybe you’re right. I’m too disheartened to expect it or believe it even exists as a possibility. That’s on me, no sense taking it out arguing with you. Because you might be right.


This is where my whole problem lies. Blizzard hasn’t established anything.

With Southshore, we could see the corpses of NPCs. With Teldrassil, we are blocked by an invisible wall. We don’t know who survived, which is something that frustrates me and leads only to guess work.

I mean, there isn’t much “fist pump” in killing helpless civilians. And Horde players knew, at the moment, they were going to be made into the villians (again). And Sylvanas fans knew that the character was now just a moustache twirling villian. I didn’t just not get a “fist pump moment”, I hated it.


Despite my curt nature i’d only be repeating things that have been said before here, and necessarily adding my own piece wouldn’t create a better discussion.

That being said: I do have something to offer:

The War of Thorns was a genocidal campaign from the get-go. Ashenvale’s Nelves were being slaughtered, if not by the player, then by the Forsaken that swept behind after them.

Despite this I do not think we even have a bead on what happened to the innocents in Lor’danel. It could be that Saurfang & the player aided in saving them. But… Deathstalkers. Sylvanas. Again.

Even before 8.1 being released and Darkshore’s warfront being shown, Belmont was yelling for Night Elves to be brought up and slaughtered, as PoW’s no less.

In truth? I can handle and still like to roleplay everything to do with Horde races, but I will -never- take part or acknowledge Teldrassil because it makes my want to write a story with a Horde race go to 0%.


It seems the only way to make the Story Forum come together is to bash Blizzard Cdevs unanimously. Well, people need a villain I guess.

So…What I’m going through right now. Eh, apparently my character is being hit on again so there’s that.

Yeah, because they spurred us to get roaring mad at one only to yoink its figurehead away, tell us to can it or we’re bad guys, and thus leave us still angry but with no acceptable target. So, for a lack of anything more productive to rage at, they became that target.


It baffles me that anyone would legitimately argue that Teldrassil wasn’t a big or relevant impact and believe that authentically. LIke… it shouldn’t have to take a full thread to explain why this is a huge deal, and yet here we are.


I believe it does have an impact, my issue is that Blizzard absolutely failed to portray it as an impact in that it literally went out with a whisper Hordeside.


I don’t think they had an accurate count from the War of the Ancients did they?

Teldrassil was bad, but the Night Elves have endured worse, their entire civilization was almost wiped out. They’ll survive this, like they survived that. The Legion invasion was much worse than Teldrassil I imagine.

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To be fair, I was mad at them from day one. Not even the Zandalari made it better, and I was bouncing off the walls for the Zandalari. Like I was SCREAMING I was so excited about Zandalar.

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Meanwhile in MHP land.

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The painful thing about this writing is because the War ended relatively neutral, there is little closure. An atrocity like Teldrassil would lead to years upon years of war realistically, until at least one side’s will was broken. (i.e. Horde loses and leaders are persecuted for war crimes, or NE are beat into submission). The vibe I have from BFA is that the pain and suffering is kind of hand waved. It doesn’t feel very genuine.

For the NE folks then, if you got to choose where your new capital would be, where would you put it? I know it seems like a bad spot, but Desolace does have the massive growth and is predominantly Cenarion Circle. It’s still Kalimidor, and still connected to the NW end through Stonetalon.

As for the NPCs, hopefully if Blizzard does rebuild a NE Capital it includes a memorial. It’d be something if you could click it and see thousands of names. Add some weight to a terrible deed.


How about a new Hyjal and Moonglade.
With all the Horde druids kicked out?


Very well put. When I first started back during TBC, I hadn’t played WC3. I had no emotional connection to Malfurion or Tyrande. Malfurion was a guy I read about in some quests who was asleep somewhere. Tyrande was the High Priestess in the Temple of the Moon. I think I handed in a couple of quests to her. That’s it. They weren’t the all-powerful, all-important faction superheroes they are now. Back then, what drew me into the game was the world itself.

I loved running around Teldrassil as a lowbie, exploring the landscape and helping the locals with their quests. As someone new to the franchise, it also helped me learn a lot about the setting. Especially as it related to the night elves. The same holds true for Darkshore and Ashenvale. Exploring, learning about the culture, and adventuring through quests. Since I took it slow back then, you could argue that the kaldorei nation was the entirety of warcraft for me for my first few months.

That’s why the argument of “Night elf players are fine since they didn’t lose any major named NPCs” rings hollow to me. I never cared about the big superhero NPCs. I cared about the little girl I helped in Astranaar. I cared about my fellow druids who had been corrupted while asleep in their barrow dens in Teldrassil. I cared about the ghosts I gave closure to in Darkshore. So to see all of that be destroyed was an emotional gut punch.

I can only hope that one day in the not too distant future something will be done to advance the night elf story some more. And I don’t mean Tyrande’s story, I mean the night elf story. The society, the people. In the mean time I guess I can just hang out in the Stormwind pumpkin patch, aka the capital city of the Night Elves.