The ilvl buff is ridiculous

kinda dumb that deadly gear cant be bought with honor as its poop compared to anything else this phase. at this point might as well not wear arena gear after getting enough ilvl 252 raid gear lol

deadly is 213 in comparison…and you can’t buy it for honor…and if you can’t get the rating in arena you cant buy gear thats still worse than raid gear.

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That’s a good point. Deadly should be purchasable with honor at ilvl 213. Not gonna waste Conquest badges on ilvl 213 gear


So glad this concept gets fixed in Cata, including pvp weapons sold for honor.

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dude titansteel is like a few hundred gold
there is 0 excuse to use brutal wep at level 80 lol

i don’t care about people playing in bg with 1k or 2k gs, i even try to pocket heal them as an experiment lol, but you are bringing the flaming upon yourself with a big 70 wep in everyones face at the starting room

i myself used tbc brutal shield until the 1800 shield last phase, it was a solid piece, but the 70 wep (crystal spire) didn’t last past like Lv73. maybe it is different for the class you play

(Pours out a lil liquor for the crystal spire. RIP)

To the guy “mispeled” gear doesnt matter as much as you think in last phase anyway, lot of people 2k+ with the boe ah shield for example. of course when valanyr and shadowmourne hit the streets it’ll be different, but the gated shoulders/helm are less than a 2% increase in stats. only item that matters is the 2200 wep, and by the time pvpers have 4500 arena points next week, many pve’ers will already have equivalent pve weps


I must leave this planet.


However if you try to do any serious PvP with only Raid gear you’ll be dead in one shot and that DPS won’t matter unless you have the movement skills of a mongoose.

at that point the damage of ilvl 252 gear will make any resilience worthless. Itll dissolve to who attacks first

TOC came out quickly with the next tier of gear because not enough guilds were capable of clearing Ulduar with the gear level it was dropping.

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