The idolization of content creators

It is no different from the idolization of celebrities.


Or advertise on Twitter that they’re “now accepting gold and parts to get Scarab Lord”.

Way to get others to hand you something on a silver platter so you can claim you “earned” it.

If you consider Marshall Applewhite a celebrity.


Recently, Preach and Madseason have quit doing WoW content. If you think that creators with a combined audience of 5 million plus quitting the game is a good thing, then you got some critical thinking issues. The game is dying fast, and some of you are in denial.

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Not meee, I mean I question whether said people even truly create content. When I poop I “create content” too, you know.

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The game would die with or without them. The game right now is in trouble because of actions of the company, not because some guy on the internet says “I quit”. Others were quitting before them.

The fact is, people who idolize and shill streamers never got enough attention growing up (pay mr strimmer 5 dollar and he says your name omg! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :O) they are also incapable of forming their own thoughts and opinions so they need some e celeb to tell them how to think and play the video games they like. Sad.

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Wrong. The game is in trouble because of horrible design decisions by the WoW leadership team. BFA and Systemlands are utter crap. The sexual assault stuff is just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

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What I consider or do not consider a celebrity does not change that idolization of streamers is the same as idolization of celebrities.

Me: I want food

You: No, you want eggs, toast, bacon, sliced apples

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But it’s not. You’re comparing celebrities to random people on the internet with webcams. That’s indirectly insinuating they’re celebrities which is very wrong.

Thanks I needed the laugh today.

What are they doing with their other hand?

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I am comparing random people I have no personal indepth knowledge of that are known for work they do within media-entertainment.

Using Twitter.

FFXIV was growing even without big streamers.
WoW was shrinking even with big streamers.

You’re being hyperbolic. The idea that content creators get away without intense scrutiny is laughable false. Many people may respect or look towards content creators because these are the people who have devoted their livelihoods to understanding the subject of their content, and are significantly more familiar with the innerworkings of that subject and have relationships with the people who make it compared to casual viewers. Simple. Can you stop being a whiny contrarian in everything you post

waahh wahhh theres no such thing as truth wahhh