The I and the L in Poster Names

Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing the lower case i and l in everyone’s names when they Post? They look the same to me, both like lower case l. And I can’t find a setting to adjust the font. Cari looks like Carl, Zigra as Zlgra, etc. It is fine on the main list of posts with Author name. Anyone else, or is it the martini, or someone have a place to change fonts?


I do too, i did not realize Cari wasnt CarL till recently


I am the same way. It is the font choice they use for the forums and for most websites. While we have choices in the fonts for writing, they do not change them for the most part when designing websites. Even in game the font stinks. I have the font setting at 18 and it is too small. The box for typing is too small as well. If I want to ignore everyone, I put the font on 14, and it become a box of pink squibbly-wiggly lines that my grandchildren created for me.
I run into a lot of older players in game and we all complain about the fonts and the sizing choices.


I knew it was Cari, but then saw it yesterday and doubted myself. lol
And you Acialga with your name changes… :wink:


It is just backwards lol


I’ve never experienced this before.

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This thread made me laugh so hard I teared up! My name is Cari with an i not l. I love you guys, and agree the new font is a little meh.

(Cari is a nickname for Carolyn both of which I go by IRL. the more you know rainbow flashes across the screen.)

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okay carl

10 characters (-.- stupid new forums)

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you can literally see the dot over the i in her name, I have trouble seeing and even I can see that. What are you people good for jfc


okay carl.

It’s all good. Cari or “carl” goes by both names in discord.

Interesting. On my phone I do see the lower case display with the dot over the i.

I don’t like the new forum font at all, but I haven’t mixed up L’s and I’s

It possibly could be your phones settings if you can set the type for all sites. My issue was just my glasses are usually dirty lol

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