The hypocrisy of the xp nerf

Now that the paid char service has no competition it will make more money. When shareholders see that money they will demand more paid boosts and services and more efforts to direct people towards them. This is a huge step toward what ruined the original wow happening again. Stopping RMT was the only solution and instead its been reinforced with blizzard now the beneficiary and their shareholders will move aggressively to per-sue it more when that sweet monopolised boost money starts coming in during the wotlk pre patch.

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People who want boost are not going to grind to 70 again on their 5th alt without boost so there wasnā€™t any ā€œaliveā€ open world from the start to be killed.


Yeah, I donā€™t care. The fewer cancerous exploits in the game, the better. The fact that you can buy level 58 characters directly from Blizzard is horrible, but the fact that you can doesnā€™t mean I want to just open the floodgates to every exploit in the game. No thanks.


People creating an in game service using the in game economy isnā€™t an exploit. Itā€™s how an mmo SHOULD work. People trading real money for gold and causing that service to replace and displace every other in game leveling avenue IS an exploit and blizzards solution is to ignore the actual exploit (RMT) and instead get in on the action themselves by creating theyā€™re own boost service and banning the community competition so they get that real money all to themselves and your here cheering them onā€¦ I just donā€™t get it.

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Dungeon carries are an exploit, which is why theyā€™re being patched out. This behavior was never intended in the gameā€™s design. But youā€™re free to keep pretending that itā€™s somehow good for the game. :rofl:


is just stupidly retarded how much gold mages and paladins are able to solo make while other classes just cant

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Well. Enjoy your incoming micro transactions, wow token, paid services and general ruining of the game. Iā€™lol see you in classicv3 and find out if third times the charm for learning.

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Retail, Classicā€¦ the only difference now is the lack of tokens in classic. I expect that announcement any day now.

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They make that gold because rmt encourages bot accounts to farm gold so people can buy boosts. No rmt, no absurd gold and also
No devaluing of everyone elseā€™s
Gold through the ā€˜inflationā€™ generated by bots which are generated by rmt. It REALLY is rmt underlying what you just complained about

if a mage isnt able to boost theres no reason for the buyer to buy the gold to pay the mage that will sell the gold again later

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I donā€™t enjoy those things. It takes some stunning mental gymnastics to conflate disliking dungeon carries with actually wanting more P2W and mobile game garbage in WoW.

But sure. Keep up with the desperate attempt to put words in my mouth. :slight_smile: Youā€™re fooling literally no one with this sad charade. I almost pity you.

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Have you seen retail? Because blizzard are the rmt provider they banned gdkp competition by removing master loot, they banned boost competition by making dungeons not soloable (like now) and the only Avenue for progression in pvp or pve for casuals is to buy a sale from a top guild because they make the content and the barrier to entry very difficult to attain. The new lead designer literally streamed
HIMSELF doing m+ Carrieā€™s for gold bought with rmt (wow token). The entire game in retail is set up where casual players can only prog by buying a wow token from blizzard for real money and then using it to buy a sale and itā€™s a complete monopoly because all community services get banned. The only answer is to ban all forms of RMT but people canā€™t see past their nose and blame the symptom and not the cause and blizzard win by implementing solutions (like they are now) that just monopolise their own rmt services


i dont care about retail
its a different community with a different approach
no reason to compare
they are there because they dont want to be here
we are here because we dont want to be there


Giving blizzard a monopoly on rmt boosts is saying you want to be there, even if you donā€™t realize thatā€™s whatā€™s your saying

no, thats not
is not like casual players need you to get max level
or are you implying that every casual should have a mage to sell boosts, so they get passt the entry barrier?

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No I wasnt implying that or anything like that nor am I sure how you thought I was. I was implying, and will now say explicitly, if you give blizzard a monopoly on RMT as your solution to community boosting instead of banning all forms of RMT as your solution, you put blizzard in a position where their incentive changes from making a fun game to keep the sub (the existing main revenue source) to making you buy wow tokens (the new main revenue source) and because of that youā€™ll get a classic experience that looks more like retail or Diablo immortal than it will classic. Iā€™m not saying the existing form of community boosting should be allowed continue. Iā€™m saying the solution is to ban all RMT so it stops been the negative thing it is now and returns to a smaller community run feature it started out as. I think the solution blizzard are doing instead, which is to introduce their own paid boost and ban community boosting, thus monopolising their service will just reinforce more behaviour of that kind and ruin classic.


howcome this give blizzard the monopoly on rmt
rmt is not allowed at all in classic tbc
and thats what mage boosting encourages
i got your point, but it doesnt make sense while we dont have wow token here

Rmt means you buy gold or a service in game for real money. Blizzard introduced a feature where you can buy a lvl 70 character for real money and then banned community boosting so there is no competition to their new service. That is how it is monopolising it.

its limited, so you shouldnt consider this an rmt service, but an entry wall breaker for those who have no interest in tbc or classic that can be used ONCE


What exploits are you referring to?