The Hunt not giving credit for Aiding the Accord

Still an issue. Just completed a hunt and received hunt spoils, but did NOT get credit toward Aiding the Accord: The Hunt is On…


Same here. I just completed a hunt from start to finish (I even sounded the horn to start it) and got no credit. What’s up with that?

Same here. Just completed 2 hunts. Got the sachel but no credit for the quest.

For me Azure Span hunt in the center did not credit my weekly… but one in Ohnaran plains did count… ironically the first hunt in Azure Span gave me an Epic grand spoils bag… gotta love how it knows I did the hunt and gave me the loot bag… then doesnt realise i did the hunt for the weekly quest… simplify code to one event for completion maybe?

Still bugged. Completed the hunt 3 times but no credit for the weekly

Still an issue as of today as well :frowning: Received spoils but no credit towards the weekly Aiding the Accord.

My rep dropped from 1000 to 500. Now I am not receiving rep on that same quest.

Experiencing the same issue. Multiple hunts, gotten the spoils bags, no reward.

So broken…

I have completed multiple hunts and gotten the spoils but no credit towards the aids quest. I even dropped and picked up the quest to see if that was the issue, but it wasn’t.

I have noticed that when my alts picked up the weekly (hours after my main did), they are only 3000 rep requirement with no hunt/siege/feast/wq extra requirement. Is this a stealth way to hotfix it?

I really dont want to abandon it on my main, i have already completed all the wqs this cycle… would be a slog to get more rep until the weekend cycle…

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Until you do the quest chain to unlock Hunts (starts in Maruuk with “License to Hunt”) on each alt, then they aren’t officially eligible for them even though they are in practice, and so won’t be forced to do one for the weekly. Which very much disincentivises doing that quest chain lol.

just did grand hunt and didnt get credit for the weekly.

surprised they didnt fix this seeing how it has been reported in december lol

buncha slackers at blizz :wink:

Just did a hunt on my rogue for the aiding the accord weekly and it didn’t count. Can’t believe this is still an issue.

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April in lords year 2023 and this is still broken. @developers pull it together.