The Human Kingdoms need some love

I have a solution to Alterac

In a bit more long form from the above, and Im gonna hide this cause its long, been working through what one could look like

Alterac's three way war

On a technical level, Alterac becomes its own independent and expanded zone into its former/traditional Kingdom. Like all zones, it should be physically increased to keep updated with modern zones. A mountainous yet maneuverable zone, Highmountain and Azure Span could be great places to take inspiration from. Areas to expand would be the Uplands to the east, the grassy hills between mountain ridges, and down to Lordamere Lake. The center ruins turned city will be expanded, as well as the edges of the zone north of Tarren Mill towards Chillwind Point and Ravenholt. The focus remains in the north eastern portion of the former kingdom, keeping the former areas near Andorhol to the WPL, and the Dalaran Crater to Hillsbrad.

Alterac exists as a culmination, yet can be experienced independently, of various 3-4 zone narratives. Horde players find themselves connected to Silverpine and Hillsbrad, Tirisfal and Western Plaguelands, or Eastern and Western Plaguelands. The Alliance similarly see themselves coming from Gilneas and Hillsbrad, Gilneas and Arathi, or Arathi and Hillsbrad. With next steps secured, the Horde and Alliance players are funneled into Alterac Valley as a special quest reward, but should be the culmination. They may be otherwise funneled into the Hinterlands, or explore other areas.

Narratively, the Forsaken have taken to reclaiming and reinforcing the former kingdom. With the complexity of succession to the kingdom, and Horde forces surrounding it, the Alliance remains in a relatively weak position to challenge the Horde’s claim since the 4th War. Creating another Bulwark-like structure just north of Tarren Mill, the primary southern entrance to the zone is well defended by the Forsaken. They have started attempts at reconstructing Alterac City, creating a Theramore like city shared between Forsaken, Frostwolves, and various Horde allies with less representation. The Ravenholt Manor has remained untouched since Mists and their vague claim to the former kingdom can be used as a jumping point as an unfinished succession crisis into the zone as the only established location left with former, non-hostile, Alterac citizens. There also exists Isiden Peranolde who Greymane suggested placing on the throne previously but has not been seen or heard of since WC2/3.

The former ruins are split into three sections, the primary fort/castle that has been Forsaken-fied. Generally well insulated buildings where the Forsaken plan, plot, and prepare their plans, it is the administrative center of Alterac. At the forefront and to the side is the Frostwolf embassy – an orc themed area with modern and traditional orc architecture, a Frostwolf stable, skinning and tanning trainers, smaller huts and homes, shaman stone, and open space. The back corner is still ruins and a questing area. Unhappy with their new neighbors, Syndicate booby traps, yetis and ogres still threaten the re-established settlement.

Formerly King Aiden Peranolde, then Baron Peranolde, now High Executor Peranolde, leads the Forsaken contingent of Deathguards with the Royal Apothecary Society and abominations to match the size and force of dangerous yetis and ogres determined to reclaim his kingdom. Around this center piece remains the various caves and coves, newly established mines for iron ore and other metals prevalent in the mountains. These Forsaken quests primarily send you in a resource direction to finish clearing out the previous ruins and finish erecting the settlement – shown at the culmination of the zone’s narrative.

Centurian whoever represents the Frostwolves in an attempt to bring diplomacy to the remaining ogres with mixed results. Full conflict is not avoided, but with a few surgical strikes the ogres capitulate and the remaining agree to work with the Frostwolf Clan. Further quests surrounding the earthen and snow elements of the mountains, and finding places to roam and raise their wolves nearby.

The Alliance have sent a small encampment of troops in the bordering foothills of the Hinterlands across the Darrowmware River. Genn, looking to secure further positions in and around Lordearon, reproclaims Isiden Peranolde as sole heir to Alterac as General Hath is sent by Danath Trollbane to meet with the newly appointed king. Using the cover of troll ruins at Chillwind Point, Isiden, Hath, and combined SI:7, Greygaurd, and Bloodfang forces start a covert campaign across the Darrowmare River and into Forsaken territory.

Running into a Scarlet Camp, they are attacked nearly on sight due to the Worgen in their ranks, learning they are coming from an old barony in the mountains once defeated. Taking over the camp, human SI:7 members and the player (disguised human if not) explore and determine the extent and goals of the Crusade in the area, learning of their hidden presence within both the Argent Crusade to the north and their heroed leader in Alterac, Valea Twinbaldes. They join as eager recruits. Determining the Scarlets are, largely, not an immediate threat to the Alliance and can cause further disruption for the Horde, they are resupplied from ‘stolen’ Alliance shipments.

Returning to camp, the player goes with Hath to push forward assassinating, recruiting, and parlaying with various Syndicate forces, Isiden slowly consolidates more of the Syndicate remnants back into the Alterac Reclamation Forces, establishing a guerrilla force through a fully supplied and Alliance backed former Syndicate members. Running up and down the Uplands, the Alliance finally concludes by sabotaging a significant guard tower at Strahnbard, sabotaging various roads and other encampments to the WPL, and setup various ambush points/camps along the main road to starve the Horde.

High Executor Aiden Peranolde learning of increased hostilities in the Uplands, similarly, stirs to action up and down the area and surrounding spots culling or otherwise convincing Syndicate forces to move on. As one last gift as their king, they are provided a small section off the coast of Lordemare Lake where they are promised peace and security by Aiden and the Horde from Alliance or hardline/criminal Syndicate retribution. This also offers the Shattered Hand human agents much like the SI:7 have goblins. Learning of the Alliance forces, a game of cat and mouse ensues, culminating in the destruction of the guard tower, et al. Pushing forward to the river where they’ve track the Alliance to their insertion point, Horde forces come under attack from well supplied Scarlets and Valea herself claiming Alterac for the Crusade. Forced off, they retreat to Starhnbard and work to rebuild.

Witnessing this act, Isiden is infuriated that not only does his uncle “live,” the Scarlet Crusade have eyes upon his kingdom themselves and would never bow to, let alone reason with, a king supported by Genn Greymane of all people. Disappointed, he turns to Lord Ravencrest to come to an agreement as General Hath strengthens their current position across the river and leads various coordinated attacks with remaining Alterac Reclamation Force and Syndicate leadership hoping that prolonging efforts in the area will establish needed connections if/when the Alliance push forward to claim all of historical southern Lordearon, Alterac, and Dalaran.

Forsaken forces are bolstered and the player reports back to Alterac City with Aiden where they meet with the Frostwolf Centurian and Lillian Voss representing the Desolate Council – agreeing not only the conflict in the Valley must continue to prevent the Alliance a direct attack route, a Deathstalker contingent must be sent for, and the road supplying Tarren Mill from Andorhol must be secured from the Alliance, Syndicate, and Scarlet forces. Culmination quests involve attacking the Scarlet Barony as a dungeon (but perhaps not fully capturing it) and winning a match of Alterac Valley, follow up daily quests involve Horde vs Alliance sabotage attempts, Scarlet culling, and Syndicate bolstering/rooting out.