The Horrors of Pollution

This quest I believe was broken on prepatch or as of the patch on 9/13 (US), I did it previously on my hunter a few months back, as I’m racking up prequests for Wrath I wanted to go back and do on my DK as well. Most articles or threads state the mob the quest drops off of is around a 30 min + respawn. However, I’ve been waiting 1hr plus in the area farming and doing quests right around the spawn on two seperate occasions now. I don’t believe this mob is spawning at all. Any one else having this issue? Thanks!


Me and a group of friends trying to complete Netherstorm quests have been waiting for about an hour and a half, others have been looking all day too. Still No Spawn. At all :frowning: It’s a bummer and I hope they take a look at this as it appears to be bugged.

Did they fix this?

Blizzard needs to fix this spawn rate still. i have been here for an hour and im still waiting and this is over a year later. @Blizzard please im on wotlk classic and no bueno right now :frowning: