Are you intentionally ignoring the fact that Varian took out a massive fel reaver, and fought his way through several fel guards towards Gul’dan before Gul’dan disenchanted him with fel magic?
That’s a heroic death. Vol’jins death is a lot of things, it most definitely does not fall under the Heroic category
A retaliation is a response to an act. Bombing Theramor is an act (punching person, stealing lunch). Deciding to flood Orgrimmar with a tsunami is a retaliation/punishment (beating the brakes off of me). Gathering forces to set siege to Orgrimmar is a retaliation/punishment. The notion that a retaliation cannot occur until an entire war is concluded is laughably nonsensical.
Vol’jin did not sacrifice himself to save his allies. He didn’t leap off of an airship and one-shot a fifteen story tall Felreaver, land, carve his way through a bunch of demons before eventually being overwhelmed. He (a shadow hunter with monk training) got caught unaware BY THE FLANK HE WAS WARNING EVERYONE ABOUT, and was dropped by a single poke. What you’re doing right now would be like me saying Nazgrim and Taylor both got equal consideration because they both returned as undead after dying.
The Orc heritage questline emphasized the individual clans that do remain and our character elects to join one. Horde should bring back Shadowmoon and Burning Blade! More chances for evil Horde writing, right? haha!
Honestly its just mind boggling that thrall can even remain friends with jaina after, if my friend walked up to my house and tried to shoot my family members and only just barely failed i wouldn’t be friends with him.
Guys, clearly Blizz or a Senior in the story devs clearly have plans for this “Jaina” character. They are literally going out of their way to keep her relevant, powerful and constant ingame over the years… Plot armor aside… there has to be a REAL story reason why, right?
I speculate that its just a the sindrom of an old Game/Dungeon Master in love with his own NPC over the players… She probably going be name Kirin Tor Leader if reform AND since Khadgar is indisposed Jaina will become the next empowered Guardian! And a key figure of the Alliance as diplomat to keep the peace “by any means” specially if Thrall restore his World Shaman Powers… we can’t have Horde be unsupervised… nono
I’m just teasing and joking btw… could not resist. LOL !
If that happend, I can see my frustrated friends fed up and tired of seeing that untouchable character in their own little part of WoW story… literally stopping to play for months if not completely! They be so salty… asking me what I play besides WoW so they can move to those, just like a break up and start dating out of spite!
Joking aside I am kinda excited of this new story beats and seeing some of the leaders together really got me hype for the future!
Or Thrall realized he was to blame for the mess and that Jaina wouldnt have acted that way if he never put Garrosh on the throne. I would also point out he has also experienced his soul being torn by the elements and have felt the rage of wanting nothing but to kill every Alliance as well.
Or he just isnt you. Maybe he wouldnt have forgiven Jaina if the wave had gone though, but it was stop so ultimately no one was killed so that certain might change his opinion.
Heck the most recent comic has Etrigg and Dannath eating together even after the events of the Fourth War.
Not at all. Both the Horde and the Alliance have done bad things. The Alliance actions just get forgotten about. The Horde gets used as the villains for entire expansions.
The main point I was making. Shouldn’t be hard to understand.
Simply false. “The Horde” did not support the burning of Teldrassil.
Having someone stop your atrocity doesn’t make you a moral person. If you stop the missile before it reaches NY, the evil villain is still evil.
Because she was the one that was guilty. Saying the story should also punishing innocent people in “the Horde” is nothing but pushing the concept of racial guilt.
Which is fair, if you believe in the same logic that people use to call for the Horde to be punished.
In contrast to the Horde, neither Jaina nor the Alliance have had any consequence for that. Or for Dalaran. Or for wiping out the Stonespire tribe, or for trying to murder the Bilgewater Goblins, etc.
I don’t want anyone to be punished. I don’t think we should should see any race as having “guilt”. But I think if Blizzard wants me to see character like Jaina as a good person, they should have her admit to and reject the evil things she has done.
Again, false.
You argue (wrongly) that the “the Horde” helped in the burning of Teldrassil. That they got off free from that. There isn’t a whole lot of room between that and “the Horde shouldn’t be pushed”.
And I see no room between that and not invoking racial guilt. I don’t think “the Alliance” should be punished for Jaina’s attempted genodice, or her purge, because any person not involved isn’t guilty just because they are an Alliance race. Just as any person who is of an Horde race isn’t guilty.
I agree that mental states are not comparable, but not in the way you outline. Sylvanas thought she would “set us all free”. She had her entire personality manipulated by the Jailor. Meanwhile Jaina just decided she had a right to take out her vengeance on innocents.
She thought she was going to remake the system so that it was better for everyone. Including those that were killed. “I will set us all free”.
Jaina wanted to kill orphans and babies because they were the same race as someone she wanted vengeance on.
And she wasnt in the right state of mind and more importantly was traumatized by the Horde. Ultimately one decided to step off that ledge before it actual caused damaged while the other one only did her heal turn after errevocable damage had been caused by her actions.
I think Rexxar needs to stop wandering and step up and become leader of the Horde. He’s great friends with both the current troll and tauren leaders as they were his companions when he helped the founding of Durotar and Orgrimmar. He knows what it’s like to not really fit in like some of the other Horde races as he’s half orc half ogre. He’s strong and loyal and literally everyone respects him. He has a history going back to the RTS in Warcraft 3. He’s recently been seen in lore and game as recently as the end of Dragonflight. I think he would be a great ambassador with the Night Elves as he has values about nature they would surely respect. And, he’s a total badass who would be a great leader for the Horde as they should be led by someone with total gigga chad energy. The fact that he wouldn’t want to do it is what would make a compelling story to tell. Also, it would be the perfect way to introduce Ogres as a new race into the Horde because he has an Ogre clan he is literally in charge of.
The council is lame. Not surprised the “horde” players simping for it are Belf mains.
Fact is, their plan was to make Baine warchief after BFA but everyone hated Baine and nobody else made sense so they panicked and came up with the cringe council.
“Thrall didn’t want it”
At the time, sure. Yet next time we see him in Shadow’s Rising, he’s struggling against his instinct to take over the council while they’re being inneffective.
He’ll be Warchief again eventually, nobody likes the council but alliance mains and “belf” mains. People want a Warchief again and Thrall is the only one that fits unless Vol’jin comes back to life.