The Horde bias in this game is disgusting

I was hoping for Voss too, but instead we have an alliance leader in charge of one of our core races. Aint that fun?

Only thing Baine is better at, is trying to regularly surrender.

Can you show me where that is relevant to what is being talked about?

The Horde lost Undercity because the Alliance attacked and were winning. Hands down.

The Horde were denied a major base of operations. Victory for the Alliance.

And raided a Horde strongehold at Dazaralor

I sometimes forget how much some Alliance players dislike their faction so much they downplay anything positive that happens for them.

I mean. Ok. Sorta my point though.

Gallywix did lose. Very handedly. Great point. It was not close.

How many more Alliance leaders did you lose during the entirely Alliance centered story of Legion?

Got it.

If a major lore character did not die, it didn’t matter.

What significant character died at the burning of the Great Weed?

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Hey there Cairnage. Been a while.
As lovely and level-headed as ever. Carine would be proud.

And yes. Lillian Voss still feels very true to the Forsaken as a people. She understands their plight. but also understands that undeath is a curse, and wants to stop more undead from coming into existence.

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Pretty sure there was one class trainer in Darnassus who would still show you the ability training screen when you clicked on him. They might’ve fixed that but that was a bug back in MoP. He’s dead now :’(

If it was positive, where is Gilneas recovered?
Where are the ruins of a troll capital or any city in the horde that has been put down by something made by ally?
Undie city is comparable to Massada as a victory.
Another free pass for the horde? Certainly.

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the only horde leader that is currently dead and goneis garrosh idk what yall are talking about

vol jin is like a main character of the next xpac

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Posting in an Aviela thread.

Also, Aviela is beginning to remind me of Lunnaya.

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I’d love for there to be an Alliance leader that doesn’t want any more of their race to exist.


Nothing said here makes any sense at all. So because Gilneas was not recovered or you didn’t trash a 3rd Horde city in a single expansion…nothing positive happened?

Uh… Mekkatorque freaking DIED.

He was DEAD

we had to artificially replace his heart with a gnomish power core.

Like sure, Gallywix didn’t exactly win that tussle. but Mekkatorque died.

I Thought legion was about stopping the Legion?
You were there too. You did the same quests we did.

Literally none of that story was any different, except for Stormheim which had mirrored quests. Equal treatment.

No. I’m saying it didn’t matter because it was insignificant. We all wind up working together afterwards.

Teldrassil was significant because it determined the overall plot of BFA. It lead to Saurfang starting his rebellion.

No he isn’t. They destroyed Vol’jin’s story with how they killed him and they tried redeeming him in BfA. His questline hasn’t finished though and it will be in Shadowlands.

If he’s a major character I’m missing some huge spoilers.

I agree. That’d be pretty cool.

But hey, We have Maiev Shadowsong. Who murdered highborne and wrote on the walls in their blood. and actively hunts down anyone of her kind who consorts with Magic or Demons.

The fact she didn’t have kind words for Thalysra this expansion is surprising to me.

vol jin has one of the most lore rich storeis of any faction leader legit stop your whining

Vol’jin has like 10 seconds of screen time. He pops in with Bwonsamdi for a bit and then…


Hops in a pod and gets reborn as the new Loa of Kings, as Rezan bound his spirit to Vol’jin.

Yeah… a main character that died right at the beginning for a trash mob :rofl:

Ok. Not relevant to what is being talked about.

Fact : Mekka kicked Gallywix’s butt.

Fact : Mekka is still around, and we no reason to think he wont recover.

Irrelevant. It was still an Alliance centered expansion as we helped the Alliance leaders. Constantly. While the Horde leaders barely showed up.

Nope. Insignificant. Not a single worthwhile Alliance leader died in the attack.

I know you are all about wanting to be fair. So no double standards.

The Legion needs to promote that felguard.

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he literally has been doing stuff all xpac and will be in the next one.

do you see wrynn running around in ghost form ?

horde are legit delusional

No, because Varian’s story was amazing and he got a great death. Vol’jin was warchief for 2 seconds and then died to a trash mob.

Vol’jin has had a questline with short chapters in different patches of BfA. We got nothing in 8.2.5 or 8.3. I’m pretty sure nothing in 8.2 either.

If so, where is the result?
Seen in any book or in the imagination of someone who is satisfied with the immense nothingness that has certainly resulted from this alliance?

Certainly, both.

Before, worgen were a race that was a homeland because of the Horde. Now night elves and worgen lose their foster home.
The forsaken? It is difficult to lose something that was previously discarded as part of the plan to kill as many of Ally’s lives as possible.

“To save the village from being taken, the commander decided to destroy it.”

Why did they decide to destroy it?